Selecting a File Format

You can select from six file formats into which documents are converted: <PDF>, <PDF (Compact)>, <PDF (Compact/OCR)>, <PDF (OCR)>, <JPEG>, and <TIFF>. Scanned documents are converted into the file format specified here, and then sent to the specified destination.
If you are using the imageRUNNER 1435i+, and when the screen for specifying scan settings is displayed, you can specify the file format by pressing  (File Format), instead of selecting <File Format> as the procedure described below.
  Specify destinations or connect the USB memory device <File Format>    Select a file format  


Converts a scanned document into a PDF file with no file size reduction.

<PDF (Compact)>

Converts a scanned document into a PDF file with a reduced file size than that of <PDF>.
<PDF (Compact)> and <PDF (Compact/OCR)> compress photos and illustrations on documents more than <PDF> and <PDF (OCR)>. The file will be smaller, but the image quality of some documents or the number of documents that can be scanned at once may be lower. If you select <PDF (Compact)> or <PDF (Compact/OCR)>, you can specify the compression level. Specifying Image Quality Settings for <PDF (Compact)> and <PDF (Compact/OCR)>

<PDF (Compact/OCR)>

Converts a scanned document into a text searchable PDF file with a reduced file size than that of <PDF>. The PDF file includes text data, extracted from the characters in the scanned document with OCR (optical character recognition), enabling you to search the text using a computer.
You can set the machine to automatically detect the orientation of a scanned document during OCR processing to correct the orientation of the text searchable PDF files. OCR (Text Searchable) Settings


Converts a scanned document into a text searchable PDF file as <PDF (Compact/OCR)>, with no file size reduction.

<Set PDF Details>/<Set PDF/TIFF Details>

Select to specify the settings for generating an encrypted PDF with a digital signature. You can also specify whether to divide multiple images into separate files when sending them by e-mail or storing them into a file server.


The scanned document is converted into a JPEG file.


The scanned document is converted into a TIFF file.
For the resolutions of each file format, see Specifications for File Server Transmission.
Specifying Image Quality Settings for <PDF (Compact)> and <PDF (Compact/OCR)>