Configuring the Preferences

This section describes the procedure for configuring the settings to enable communication with the Remote Monitoring Server.

Configuring the Connection

Confirm that the device [Monitoring Mode] is set.
If the [Monitoring Mode] is not set, connection settings cannot be configured.
When migrating from the imageWARE Enterprise Management Console RDS Plug-in, prepare a settings file exported from the RDS Plug-in.
Select [System] menu > [Connection Settings] in this software.
When you have a settings file exported from the RDS Plug-in, import the settings.
Click [Import].
Select the settings file on the import screen.
Click [Import].
The imported settings are reflected.
Configure the required settings on the [Connection Settings] page.
[Proxy Settings]
When using a proxy server, configure the following settings.
Select [Use a proxy server].
Enter the address and port number of the proxy server.
To use Basic authentication for the proxy server, select [Authenticate user].
Enter the user name and password to use for authentication.
[Service Settings]
Enter the unique RDS ID used by the Remote Monitoring Server for identifying this software in [RDS ID].
In [Customer ID], enter the unique customer ID used by the Remote Monitoring Server to identify this software.
Click [Register].
Click [OK] on the confirmation screen to start the process for registering the settings to the Remote Monitoring Server.
[Communication Test] is executed in the following cases.
When communication with the Remote Monitoring Server becomes impossible after starting operation
When the proxy settings are changed on the following page
[System] menu > [Connection Settings] page

Configuring the Sending Schedule

This section describes the procedure for configuring the schedule for sending data from this software to the Remote Monitoring Server.
For devices monitored using the Cloud Connection Agent function, data is sent according to a schedule retrieved from the Remote Monitoring Server, rather than this schedule.
Select the [System] menu > [Sending Schedule].
On the [Sending Schedule] page, configure the required settings.
[Sending Schedule Settings]
[Send Time]
Select the time to set the data.
[Sending Interval]
When [24 Hours] is selected, the data is sent at the time selected in [Send Time].
When [12 Hours] is selected, the data is sent at the time selected in [Send Time] and 12 hours later.
Click [Update].