Displaying the Navigation Pane of Annotation Editor

You can show/hide the Navigation Pane on the Annotation Editor screen.
Showing or Hiding the Navigation Pane
Changing the Display of the Navigation Pane

Showing or Hiding the Navigation Pane

Click (Show/Hide Navigation Pane) on the Toolbar.
Alternatively, select the [View] menu, and select the list to be displayed from [Navigation Pane].
Clicking it shows or hides the pane.
If buttons are not displayed on the Annotation Editor Toolbar, set the buttons on the Toolbar. For more information, see the following.
The Navigation Pane is shown by default.

Changing the Display of the Navigation Pane

The Navigation Pane can display the following.
[Page] list
[Annotation List] list
[Signature List] list
Using page thumbnails in the [Page] list enables you to select pages to be displayed or edited.
In the [Annotation List] list, you can check the annotations attached to documents.
In the [Signature List] list, you can check which signatures (digital stamps) are attached to documents.
Select the tab of the navigation pane.
Alternatively, select the [View] menu, and select the list to be displayed from [Navigation Pane].
The Navigation Pane shows one of the lists depending on the selection you made.
In the Navigation Pane, the right-click menu varies depending on which list is shown.