When you want to use multiple rectangles, double-click (Rectangle). When you double-click (Rectangle), it is locked while being selected and can be inserted multiple times.
To deselect the selected lines, perform the following.
Press other buttons in the Object Palette Pane
[Esc] key on the keyboard
You can click on the Toolbar to continuously insert annotations. For more information, see the following.
[Line Style]
Select the line style you want to use from the list displayed when you click .
[Line Weight]
Select a line thickness to use. You can select a line thickness from 0.25 point to 12.00 point.
[Line Color]
Select the line color you want to use from the list displayed when you click . When you want to use a color that is not available in the list, click [More Colors].
[More Colors]
If you click this, the [Color] dialog box is displayed. Using the [Color] dialog box, you can set a color that is not listed in [Line Color].
Select the color you want to use to fill from the list displayed when you click . When you want to use a color that is not available in the list, click [More Colors].
[More Colors]
If you click this, the [Color] dialog box is displayed. Using the [Color] dialog box, you can set a color that is not listed in [Fill].
To cancel insertion and return the mouse pointer to the original shape, perform the following operation.
Click (Select Object) on the Object Palette Pane
Press the [Esc] key on the keyboard
You can insert a square by dragging the mouse pointer while holding down the [Shift] key on the keyboard.
When dragging the mouse pointer from the starting insertion point to the ending point, drag it diagonally to create a square.