When you want to use multiple text highlights, double-click (Text Highlight). When you double-click (Text Highlight), it is locked while being selected and text highlights can be inserted multiple times.
To deselect the selected lines, perform the following.
Press other buttons in the Object Palette Pane
[Esc] key on the keyboard
You can click on the Toolbar to continuously insert annotations. For more information, see the following.
If (Select Text) was selected in step 1, to cancel insertion and return the mouse pointer to the original shape, click (Select Object) in the Object Palette Pane.
If (Text Highlight) was selected in step 1, to cancel insertion and return the mouse pointer to the original shape, perform the following.
Click (Select Object)
Press the [Esc] key on the keyboard
Select the color you want to use to fill from the list displayed when you click . When you want to use a color that is not available in the list, click [More Colors].
[More Colors]
If you click this, the [Color] dialog box is displayed. Using the [Color] dialog box, you can set a color that is not listed in [Fill].
The slider position and the numeric value (%) indicate the degree of transparency of the text highlight. To change the degree of transparency, move the slider to left or right, or enter a numeric value.