Selecting Destinations Directly by Entering Coded Dial Numbers

If you know the 3-digit number (coded dial number) assigned to the destination, you can specify the destination by entering that number directly.
To use coded dialing, the destination must be registered in the Address Book beforehand.
Press and tap <Scan>.
When the logon screen appears, use the numeric keys to enter the user name and password. Then select the authentication server and press . Logging on to Authorized Send
Tap <Destination>  <Specify from Coded Dial>.
If the <Type> screen appears, select <To>, <Cc>, or <Bcc> as a destination type.
Use the numeric keys to enter a three-digit number (001 to 281).
If you enter the wrong characters, press . (Press to delete each character one by one; press and hold to delete all the input characters at once.)
If a confirmation screen appears
When <Coded Dial TX Confirmation> is set to <On>, a screen is displayed that shows the destination and the name for the number. (For Group Dial, the destination name and the number of destinations are shown.) Check the contents and if everything is correct, tap <OK>. To specify a different destination, tap <Cancel> and then re-enter the three-digit coded dial number. Displaying Destinations in Address Book
If you want to specify multiple destinations (e-mail/I-Fax)
Repeat steps 2 and 3. Up to 100 destinations can be specified.
To delete destinations (e-mail/I-Fax)
If you specified multiple destinations, you can delete destinations as necessary.