Scanning the Original and Sending to a Computer
By changing the paper document to PDF, you can send the file to shared folder on the computer.
Benefits from Changing the Paper Document to PDF
You can save space.
You can improve search performance of the text on the document.
You can set a password for security.
Required Condition
The Send function can be used on this machine.
You can connect to the computer with the shared folder from this machine via the network.
This section describes how to create a "PDF-Scan" shared folder on a drive of a Windows computer that is connected to the machine via the SMB protocol and send a scanned two-sided document to that folder as a PDF file.
Follow the procedures below.
Creating a Shared Folder
Registering an Address
Sending from the Machine
Creating a Shared Folder
Follow the procedures below to check the computer name.
If you are using Windows XP:
Right-click [My Computer] → click [Manage] → right-click [Computer Management (Local)].
Click [Properties] → check for the computer name on the [Computer Name] sheet.
If you are using Windows Vista:
(Start) → right-click [Computer].
Click [Properties] → check the computer name.
Right-click the desktop → select [New] → select [Folder].
Set 'PDF-Scan' as the folder name.
Follow the procedure below to set the access permissions for the 'PDF-Scan' folder.
If you are using Windows XP:
Right-click the [PDF-Scan] folder.
Select [Properties].
The [PDF-Scan Properties] dialog box is displayed.
Select [Share this folder] on the [Sharing] page → click [Permissions].
The [Permissions for PDF-Scan] dialog box is displayed.
If you are using Windows Vista:
Right-click the [PDF-Scan] folder.
Select [Properties].
The [PDF-Scan Properties] dialog box is displayed.
On the [Sharing] page, click [Advanced Sharing] → select [Share this folder].
Click [Permissions].
The [Permissions for PDF-Scan] dialog box is displayed.
In the [Permissions for PDF-Scan] dialog box, select [Everyone] → select [Allow] for <Change>.
Follow the procedure below to add the settings to the [Security] sheet in the [PDF-Scan Properties] dialog box.
If you are using Windows XP:
In the [PDF-Scan Properties] dialog box, click the [Security] tab → click [Add].
If you are using Windows Vista:
In the [PDF-Scan Properties] dialog box, click the [Security] tab → [Edit] → [Add].
Enter 'Everyone' → click [OK].
Follow the procedure below to change the settings on the [Security] sheet of the [PDF-Scan] folder.
If you are using Windows XP:
Select [Everyone] → select [Allow] for <Modify> → click [OK].
If you are using Windows Vista:
Select [Everyone] → click [Edit].
Select [Allow] for <Modify> → click [OK] → [OK].
A shared folder to send data is created.
For Windows XP, the shared folder is displayed as . For Windows Vista, the shared folder is displayed as .
Registering an Address
Press [Scan and Send].
If the Main Menu screen is not displayed, press (Main Menu).
Press [Address Book] → [Other Ops.].
Select [Register/Edit].
Press [Register New Dest.].
Select [File].
Follow the procedure below to enter the name for the new file.
Press [Name].
Enter a name for the file → press [Next].
Press [Next].
Specify each setting.
Select [Windows (SMB)].
[Host Name]:
Enter the computer name that you checked in step 1. You can also press [Search Host] to search for the destination computer.
[Folder Path]:
Specify the folder of the destination computer to save to. You can also press [Browse] to specify the folder of the destination computer.
[User Name]:
Enter the sender's user name (the name used to log in to the computer).
Enter the password that corresponds with the user name.
Press [OK].
Sending from the Machine
Place your originals.
Press [Scan and Send].
If the Main Menu screen is not displayed, press (Main Menu).
Select [Address Book] → select the registered destination → press [OK].
Press [File Format] → select [PDF] → press [Set Details].
If [Set Details] is not displayed, select [OCR (Text Searchable)] on the <File Format> screen → press [OK].
Select [OCR (Text Searchable)] → press [OK] → [OK].
Press [Options] → [2-Sided Original].
To scan different sized originals, press [Different Size Originals]. This mode enables you to scan different size originals with the same widths (11" x 17" and LTR, or LTRR and STMT, etc.) or different widths (11" x 17" and LGL, or LTR and LGL, etc.), together as one group by setting them in the feeder. You can reduce the time it takes to send because you do not need to send according to the original size.
Set the type of two-sided original → press [OK].
The document is changed to searchable PDF, and is sent and stored in the shared folder.
Reference Information
Searchable PDF
This mode enables you to perform OCR (optical character recognition) to extract data that can be recognized as text from the scanned image, and add it as a transparent layer of text to create a PDF file that is searchable. If the file is a searchable PDF file, you can quickly search for the necessary information on the PDF.
PDF Security
You can set a password to the PDF file. If the PDF is encrypted with a password, you cannot open, print, or change the PDF file without entering the correct password. If you want to restrict access, it is recommended that you set a password before sending.
Changing the Default Settings
By storing the specified send settings as the default settings, you can recall the settings without specifying the settings again. For more information, see
"Setting Each Function Screen."
Using the Remote UI
In addition to the touch panel display, you can store destinations using Remote UI.
If You Cannot Use SMB to Communicate with Windows XP
If you cannot use SMB to communicate with Windows XP, follow the procedures below:
Right-click [My Network] → select [Properties].
Right-click [Local Area Connection Properties] → select [Properties].
Click the [Advanced] tab → click [Settings] → click the [General] tab → click [Off].
Press [Apply].
Shared Simple File Settings:
Right-click the shared folder → select [Properties].
Click the [Sharing] tab → select [Allow network users to change my files] → click [Apply].
Properties of the Shared Folder:
Right-click the shared folder → select [Properties].
Click the [General] tab → deselect [Read-only] → click [Apply].
Access Privilege of the Shared Folder ([Sharing] Sheet):
Right-click the shared folder → select [Properties].
Click the [Sharing] tab → select [Allow] for <Modify> → click [Apply].
Access Privilege of the Shared Folder ([Security] Sheet):
Right-click the shared folder → select [Properties].
Click the [Security] tab → select [Allow] for <Modify> → click [Apply].
Security Policy:
Click [Start] → [Control Panel] → [Administrative Tools].
Click [Local Security Policy] → [Local Policies] → [Security Options].
Click [Microsoft network server: Digitally sign communications (always)] → select [Disabled].
Press [Apply] → restart Windows.