Typeface Number | Corresponding Parameter | Typeface Number | Corresponding Parameter |
24600 | UPC-A | 24621 | EAN/JAN-8 + 2 |
24601 | UPC-A + 2 | 24622 | EAN/JAN-8 + 5 |
24602 | UPC-A + 5 | 24630 | EAN/JAN-13 |
24610 | UPC-E (UPC-E0 & UPC-E1) | 24631 | EAN/JAN-13 + 2 |
24611 | UPC-E + 2 | 24632 | EAN/JAN-13 + 5 |
24612 | UPC-E + 5 | 24650 | 25 industrial |
24640 | 25 (2 of 5) interleaved | 24651 | 25 industrial + CHK |
24641 | 25 interleaved + CHK | 24660 | 25 matrix |
24642 | German Postal 25 Leitcode 13 | 24661 | 25 matrix + CHK |
24643 | German Postal 25 Leitcode 11 | 24700 | 128 autoswitch |
24670 | 39 (3 of 9) | 24701 | 128 A |
24671 | 39 + CHK | 24702 | 128 B |
24672 | 39 (3 of 9) encode space before data | 24704 | 128 C |
24673 | 39 + CHK encode space before data | 24703 | 128 C (obsolete) |
24680 | 39 extended | 24710 | UCC-128 (19 digits only) |
24681 | 39 extended + CHK | 24720 | EAN/UCC-128 |
24675 | Danish PTT 39 bar code | 24770 | ZIP + 4 POSTNET 5 |
24676 | French Postal 39 A/R | 24771 | ZIP + 4 POSTNET 9 |
24690 | 93 | 24772 | ZIP + 4 POSTNET 11 |
24691 | 93 extended | 24775 | Intelligent Mail Barcode |
23591 | USPS ZEBRA | ||
24644 | USPS 25, 11 digits Tray Label bar code | 24760 | MSI |
24645 | USPS 25, 8 digits Sack Label bar code | 24761 | MSI + CHK10 |
24750 | CODABAR | 24762 | MSI + CHK10 + CHK10 |
24751 | CODABAR + CHKmod16 | 24763 | MSI + CHK11 + CHK10 |
24780 | Singapore 4 State | 24800 | UPS MaxiCode |
24785 | Australia 4 State 37-CUST | 24810 | RSS-14 |
24786 | Australia 4 State 52-FF-MET | 24820 | Data Matrix |
24787 | Australia 4 State 67-FF-MET | 24830 | Aztec |
24790 | Royal Mail 4 State Customer code | 24840 | Codablock F |
24795 | Netherlands KIX postal bar code | 24850 | PDF-417 |
24899 | OMR (Optical Mark Reading) for folding, inserting, and sealing systems | 24860 | QRCode Model 1 |
24620 | EAN/JAN-8 | 24861 | QRCode Model 2 |
10001 | Extra Legacy Code39: See "Euro Currency Symbols and Additional Fonts." | 24862 | Swiss QRCode |
0: | Uses the default value. |
1: | Does not print human readable text. |
2: | Prints embedded human readable text. |
3: | Prints human readable text that is half-embedded. |
4: | Prints human readable text under the code. |
5: | Prints human readable text above the code. |
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Add 10 to print the UPC/EAN/JAN checksum in the middle left, rather than the bottom left of the bar code. Add 10 to print the start and end characters for the 39 bar code text. Add 20 to format text for the French or German postal bar codes. Add 100 to print the checksum character with the text. |
0: | Uses the N symbol set (numeric digits only) for customer information. |
1: | Uses the C symbol set (alphanumeric characters) for customer information. |
0 to 8: | Defines the ECC (Error Correction Code) level. |
1000 to 1400: | Defines the ECC level based on the size of the code word relative to the data size, in percentage (from 0% to 400%). The matching ECC level is calculated automatically. |
0: | The default ECC level (23% + three code words). |
1 to 99: | Defines the ECC level in percentage. |
101 to 104: | The number of layers (+100) in Compact format. |
201 to 232: | The number of layers (+200) in Full Range format. |
300: | The Aztec "Rune" format. |
0: | The default ECC level (5%) (Medium) |
1: | Low ECC/High-Density level (Low) |
2: | Standard ECC level (Medium) |
3: | High-reliability/ECC level (Quality) |
4: | Ultra high reliability/ECC level (High) |
0: | Horizontal OMR marks (default) |
1: | Vertical OMR marks |
0: | Bold (default). |
1: | Regular text. |
2: | Italics. |
3: | Bold. |
4: | Bold italics. |
0: | Selects the font size automatically. |
0: | Uses Courier to print text (default). |
1: | Uses Letter Gothic to print text. |
2: | Uses Univers to print text. |
3: | Uses Univers Condensed to print text. |
4: | Uses CG-Times to print text. |
5: | Uses OCR-B to print text (recommended with UPC/EAN). |
0: | Normal |
1: | Reverse video (Letters or numbers are printed as white with a black background, giving the impression that the numbers/letters have been highlighted.) |
#1: | Single line bar height in increments of 1/60" (0.42 mm), the same unit as fonts. |
#2: | Maximum number of rows for the Codablock symbol. |
#3: | Maximum number of columns for the Codablock symbol. |
#1: | Bar width (thin), first width in dots (1/600"). |
#2: | Bar width, second width in dots (1/600"). |
#3: | Bar width, third width in dots (1/600"). |
#4: | Bar width, fourth width in dots (1/600"). |
#1: | Maximum number of rows for the PDF symbol. |
#2: | Maximum number of columns for the PDF symbol. |
#3: | If "1" is specified, #1 and #2 are the mandatory number of rows and columns for the PDF symbol. If "0" is specified or a value is not specified, #1 and #2 are the maximum number of rows and columns (default) for the PDF symbol. |
#4: | If "1" is specified, the PDF-417 symbol is truncated on its right side. If "0" is specified, the PDF-417 symbol is not truncated (default). |
#1: | Small module height in dots (1/600"). |
#1: | Small module height in dots (1/600"). |
#2: | Bar undercut parameter. Value: 0 to (#1) -1 dots, default is 0. |
#1: | Regular mark thickness in dots (1/600"). |
#2: | Heavy mark thickness in dots (1/600"). |
#1: | Space width (thin), first width in dots (1/600"). |
#2: | Space width, second width in dots (1/600"). |
#3: | Space width, third width in dots (1/600"). |
#4: | Space width, fourth width in dots (1/600"). |
![]() |
The b parameters can be sent alone if the b and s parameters are identical. This enables shorter PCL bar code commands to be sent to the printer. |
#1: | Symbol black-and-white module height, compared to the width (1 to 10). Unit = minimum module width (default = 3). |
#2: | X parameter for the symbol X/Y size ratio (default = 2). |
#3: | Y parameter for the symbol X/Y size ratio (default = 3). |
#4: | Symbol module width (1 to 100). Unit = 1/100" (default value = 10). |
0: | Uses the default Japanese font (Automatic: JIS/Shift JIS). |
1: | Numeric (0 to 9). |
2: | Alphanumeric (0 to 9, uppercase letters A to Z, spaces, and symbols $%*+-. /:). |
3: | Binary 8 bits/bytes data (JIS 8 bit character set (Latin and Kana) in accordance with JISX0201). |
4: | Kanji characters (Shift JIS values 8140h to 9FFCh and E040h to EAA4h shifted from JISX0208). |
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Both Code 128 Autoswitch and EAN 128 analyze the data and optimize the bar code length by switching automatically between sets A, B, and C. EAN 128 and UCC-128 already include the FNC 1 code as the first character. Therefore, you should not send the FNC 1 code along with EAN 128 and UCC-128 data. |
128 = SHIFT | Used to switch from character set A to B, or from B to A temporarily. The change applies to the character following the Shift character. All subsequent characters are then given in the original character set. |
129 = FNC 1 | Reserved for future use or special applications, such as UCC-128 shipping container codes. |
130 = FNC 2 | A special instruction for the bar code reader to temporarily store data, append it to the symbol containing the FNC 2 character, and then transmit it together with the next symbol/character. |
131 = FNC 3 | Reserved for bar code reader initialization and other special bar code reader functions. |
132 = FNC 4 | Reserved for future use or special applications. |
133 = CODE A | Used for numbers, ASCII characters, and upper case letters. |
134 = CODE B | Used for numbers, ASCII characters, upper and lower case letters, and all numeric codes. |
135 = CODE C | A double-density code, which is required to have an even number of characters. |
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Values cannot have decimals. For example, "2.5" is an invalid value. Bar code parameters must be combined in a unique PCL escape sequence ending with the T parameter. Example: <Esc>(s4p305h24v7,21s7,21b24670T When using default parameters, only commas are required if other parameters still need to be defined. Example: <Esc>(s6p1,,,5s24850T |