Selecting and Configuring Folders/Therefore Library Search Conditions as Monitoring Targets

You can select folders in Desktop Browser to be monitored for added or updated documents or a Therefore Library search conditions saved in Desktop Browser and set them as monitoring targets.
When a monitored folder/Therefore Library search condition is specified, Document Monitor notifies you when there is an unread or updated document in the monitored folder/search results of Therefore Library search condition. Unread documents in the monitored folders/search results of Therefore Library search conditions are also highlighted.
When the destination of a Hot Folder is set as a monitored folder and a document is sent to the monitored folder using the Hot Folder function, Document Monitor notifies you. For more information on Hot Folder settings, see the following.
Configuring the Monitored Folders/Therefore Library Search Conditions
Canceling Monitoring of a Folder/Therefore Library Search Condition
You can set a maximum of 20 folders/Therefore Library search conditions as a monitoring target. The transfer source folders set in My Tray or a Hot Folder here are not included in the upper limit on the number of folders to monitor.
Subfolders in the folder to be monitored are not monitored. Set it as a monitoring target folder separately.
You cannot specify folders/Therefore Library search conditions in the Recycle Bin as the monitored folders/Therefore Library search conditions. If you move the monitored folder/Therefore Library search condition to the Recycle Bin, monitoring cannot be performed. After you restore it to the original location, monitoring is performed again.
You can configure the monitored folders/Therefore Library search conditions for individual users who log on to the computer.
You can also configure Document Monitor to send notifications for new documents in My Tray. For more information on notification settings for new documents in My Tray, see the following.
To set a folder/Therefore Library search condition in a library that requires authentication to connect to as a monitoring target, a user name and password for logging must have been registered to Desktop. To save user a user name and password, enter them in the dialog box displayed when connecting to the library, and then select the [Save user name and password] check box. For information on the connection method, see the following.
To select a folder/Therefore Library search condition in a Document Server Library or SharePoint Server Library for which no connection has been established or a library on a network drive that requires authentication, you need to connect to the library. For more information on connecting, see the following.
For more information on how to manage the monitored folders/Therefore Library search conditions, see the following.

Configuring the Monitored Folders/Therefore Library Search Conditions

You can select a folder/Therefore Library search condition on the Desktop Browser screen and set it as a monitoring target.
You can also display [Monitored Folder List] to set the monitored folders/Therefore Library search conditions. For details on the settings, see the following.
Select a folder/Therefore Library search condition to monitor in the Navigation Window or File List View Window of the Desktop Browser screen.
You cannot select multiple folders/Therefore Library search conditions and set them as monitoring targets. Set them individually.
Click [Monitor Folder] on the ribbon.
Or, right-click and select [Monitor Selected Folder].
The selected folder/Therefore Library search condition is configured as a monitoring target, and the display of a folder/Therefore Library search condition icon changes.
After you specify the monitored folder/Therefore Library search condition, configure the document notification settings using (Main) on the Taskbar. For more information on these settings, see the following.
Even when you move the monitored folder/Therefore Library search condition or change its name, etc. in Desktop, monitoring continues.
An access failure notification is displayed if the monitored folders/Therefore Library search conditions are deleted or they are renamed, or moved, etc. with the Windows Folder. In this case, click [Remove] in the access failure notification to cancel monitoring of the folder/Therefore Library search condition, and reconfigure the monitored folder/Therefore Library search condition as necessary. Unless you cancel monitoring, the current target remains monitored and the access failure notification will be displayed.
For information on how to highlight documents in the monitored folders/search results of Therefore Library search conditions, see the following.
This operation can also be performed with the tool buttons. If tool buttons are not displayed on the toolbar of Desktop Browser, see the following to display them.

Canceling Monitoring of a Folder/Therefore Library Search Condition

You can cancel monitoring of a folder/Therefore Library search condition.
You can also display [Monitored Folder List] to cancel the monitoring of folders/Therefore Library search conditions. For details on canceling the monitoring of folders/Therefore Library search conditions, see the following.
Select the folder/Therefore Library search condition to cancel monitoring for in the Navigation Window or File List View Window of the Desktop Browser screen.
Click [Monitor Folder] on the ribbon.
Or, right-click and select [Monitor Selected Folder].
The monitoring of the selected monitored folder/Therefore Library search condition is canceled, and the display of the folder/Therefore Library search condition icon changes to the normal icon.
This operation can also be performed with the tool buttons. If tool buttons are not displayed on the toolbar of Desktop Browser, see the following to display them.