Numeric Keypad

To use the hard keys to operate the control panel instead of the on-screen buttons, install the optional Numeric Keypad. In addition, you must install it to use Voice Navigation.
Home key
Press to display the [Home] screen. [Home] Screen
Numeric Keypad
Enter a number.
Log In/Out key
Log in when user authentication is required. When you have completed your operations, press this key again to log out. Logging In to the Machine
Start key
Starts scanning or copying of the original.
Volume Settings key
Adjusts the volume.
Voice Navigation key
Starts and ends Voice Navigation. The key lights up when Voice Navigation is in use.
To use Voice Navigation, you must install the optional Voice Operation Kit or Voice Guidance Kit. Voice Operation Kit
For details about operating the machine while using Voice Navigation, see the manual of Voice Operation Kit or Voice Guidance Kit on the online manual site.
Clear key
Clears entered characters and numbers.
Reset key
Resets the changed settings.
Stop key
Cancels an operation being executed.