Self-diagnostic Display

The machine displays simple messages and codes that help you understand what is occurring in the machine. Use these messages and codes to identify the actions you need to take to solve problems, when necessary.

Error Messages

If the machine displays an error message, follow the instructions on the touch panel display.
A4 Load Paper.

The optimum paper size selected by the Automatic Paper Selection mode is not available in the machine.

Load the indicated paper size into the machine. (Paper Drawers) If you press  (Start) while this message is displayed, prints are made with the currently selected paper size.
If the message continues to be displayed even after the indicated paper size is loaded, enable the paper drawer for the desired functions. (Auto Paper Selection/Auto Drawer Switching)
Cannot complete searching due to timeout. Check the settings.

The machine could not search for destinations within the specified time.

Increase the time setting for Search Timeout in Register LDAP Server. (Setting up the Machine for Your Network Environment)

The machine could not authenticate a user against an authentication server and retrieve attributes about the user from the server within the specified time.

Increase the time setting for <Timeout Settings> on the Send Function Authentication Settings page. (Customizing Settings)

An error occurred on the LDAP server side.

Check that the LDAP server is functioning normally.
Cannot connect to the selected server. Check the settings.

The machine cannot connect to the specified IP address/port.

Check the gateway address setting. (Connecting the Machine to a TCP/IP Network)
Check the server address and port number for the LDAP server. (Setting up the Machine for Your Network Environment, Customizing Settings)
Check that the LDAP server is operating properly.
If <Login Information> is set to ‘Use (security authent.)’ for the LDAP server, check whether UDP (User Datagram Protocol) packages are blocked by the filter.
Cannot connect to the server because timer settings for this device differ to those of the selected server.

The time setting of the LDAP server and the time setting of the machine are more than five minutes apart.

The machine cannot connect to an LDAP server if the time setting of the server and the time setting of the machine are more than five minutes apart with <Login Information> set to ‘Use (security authent.)’ for the LDAP server. Check the time settings on the server and the machine.
Cannot find the selected server. Check the settings.

The IP address that the machine should connect to cannot be determined.

Check the DNS (Domain Name System) server settings. (Connecting the Machine to a TCP/IP Network)
Check whether the DNS server’s DNS settings are correct.

If <Login Information> is set to ‘Use (security authent.)’ for the LDAP server, the machine cannot determine the host name.

Check the DNS (Domain Name System) server settings. (Connecting the Machine to a TCP/IP Network)
Check the TCP/IP.

The machine’s TCP/IP is not operating.

Check the IP address settings (IP address, DHCP, RARP, BOOTP). (Connecting the Machine to a TCP/IP Network)

The machine and the network cable are not properly connected.

Check that the network cable is properly connected between the machine and the network.
Check the user name and password or check settings.

The user name, password, or server name for access to Authorized Send is incorrect.

Make sure that the specified user name, password, and server name are correct.

The user attribute name, administrator’s ID, or password for access to Authorized Send is incorrect.

Check that <Attribute of User Name>, <User Name>, and <Password> on the LDAP Authentication Server Settings page are set correctly. (Customizing Settings)
Check your document.

Paper or originals are jammed.

Remove the jammed paper or originals. (Clearing Paper Jams)
Load paper.

The machine has run out of paper.

Load paper. (Loading Paper)

The paper drawer is not fully inserted.

Insert the paper drawer as far as it will go.
No response.

The server was not running when you tried to send.

Check the destination.

The network connection was lost when you tried to send. (Either you could not connect to the destination or the connection was lost before the job could complete.)

Check the status of the network.

A TCP/IP error occurred when you tried to send an e-mail or I-fax.

Check that the network cables and connectors are properly connected.
No response from the server. Check the settings.

The specified server settings are incorrect, or the server is not turned ON. Alternatively, the machine’s TCP/IP resources may be low.

Wait for a while, and try browsing again. If you still fail, try selecting another server.
Out of resources. Wait for a moment, then perform operation again.

You cannot browse the network due to a lack of TCP/IP resources. This may be because documents have just been continuously sent or are being continuously sent through FTP or Windows (SMB).

Wait for a while, and try browsing again.
Place the original on the platen glass.

The specified mode requires that the original be placed on the platen glass, but there is no original on the platen glass.

Place the original on the platen glass. (Placing Originals)
Remove the paper from the output tray.

Prints from the previous job remain in the output tray.

Remove the prints remaining in the output tray. Printing automatically resumes.
Replace the toner.

The toner has run out.

Replace the toner cartridge with a new one. (Replacing the Toner)
Return page 1 to the top, and then press the Start key.

Scanning was stopped due to a problem with the feeder.

Arrange the originals in page order with the first page on top. Place the originals back into the feeder’s original supply tray, and press (Start).
Search condition includes characters that cannot be used with the selected server.

“\” is used in the search criterion.

Remove “\” from the search criterion, and then search again.

The combination of characters used in the search criterion does not constitute an acceptable search criterion.

There is an unequal number of “(” and “)”.
“*” is not placed within “( )”.
Make sure that the characters for the search criterion are combined properly, and then search again.

If <Server LDAP version and character code> is set to ‘Ver.2 (JIS)’, characters other than ASCII Code (0x20-0x7E) are being used.

Omit characters that cannot be used, and then search again.
Set the IP Address.

No IP address has been set for the machine.

Specify the IP address, and then turn the machine’s main power OFF and back ON again. (Connecting the Machine to a TCP/IP Network)
TLS Error (POP)

POP authentication failed and a transmission error occurred due to TLS-encrypted communication error when using POP before SMTP.

Check the settings for TLS-encrypted communications on the POP server.
Disable TLS-encryption for communications with the POP server by setting <Allow TLS (POP)> in the E-mail/I-Fax setting to ‘Off’. (Setting up the Machine for Your Network Environment)
Disable POP before SMTP by setting <POP Authentication before Send> in the E-mail/I-Fax setting to ‘Off’. (Setting up the Machine for Your Network Environment)

POP authentication failed and a reception error occurred due to an TLS-encrypted communication error.

Check the settings for TLS-encrypted communications on the POP server.
Disable TLS-encryption for communications with the POP server by setting <Allow TLS (POP)> in the E-mail/I-Fax setting to ‘Off’. (Setting up the Machine for Your Network Environment)

The machine detected a problem with the TLS server certificate and the communication failed.

Check the TLS server certificate. For information on the certificate verification, see Customizing Settings.
TLS Error (SMTP Receive)

An error occurred because TLS encryption could not be started due to the incompatibility of the encryption algorithms used on the machine and on the SMTP server.

Check the server certificates and the settings on the TLS client.
TLS Error (SMTP RX Rject)

The machine is configured to receive TLS-encrypted data only. (‘TLS’ is selected for <Allow TLS (SMTP Receive)> in the E-mail/I-Fax setting.)

Select ‘On’ for <Allow TLS (SMTP Receive)> in the E-mail/I-Fax setting. (Setting up the Machine for Your Network Environment)
Change the settings on the client to send data using TLS encryption.
TLS Error (SMTP Send)

An error occurred when sending TLS-encrypted data because the machine and the mail server do not have a common encryption algorithm.

Disable data transmissions using TLS encryption by setting <Allow TLS (SMTP Send)> in the E-mail/I-Fax setting to ‘Off’. (Setting up the Machine for Your Network Environment)
Change the mail server settings to add a common encryption algorithm that is available both on the machine and the mail server.

An error occurred when sending TLS-encrypted data because the mail server requested a client certification. (A client certification is unsupported on the machine.)

Change the mail server settings not to request a client certificate.
Disable data transmissions using TLS encryption by setting <Allow TLS (SMTP Send)> in the E-mail/I-Fax setting to ‘Off’. (Setting up the Machine for Your Network Environment)

The machine detected a problem with the TLS server certificate and the communication failed.

Check the TLS server certificate. For information on the certificate verification, see Customizing Settings.
The memory is full.

The scanned document data is too large for the machine’s memory.

Print the already scanned pages and continue scanning the remaining pages. (If Memory Becomes Full during Scanning...)
Divide the original into smaller batches and scan them one by one.
The number of search results has exceeded limits. If the desired destination is not displayed, change the search conditions and try again.

The number of addresses that meet the search criteria exceeds the specified maximum number of addresses to search.

Narrow down the search criteria, and then search again.
Increase the maximum number of addresses to search. (Setting up the Machine for Your Network Environment)
The platen glass is dirty.

The feeder scanning area is dirty.

Clean the feeder scanning area. (Feeder Scanning Area and Rollers)
There are too many subdirectories.

You have exceeded the maximum number of subdirectory levels allowed.

The directory level that you are trying to access cannot be specified. Specify a different destination.
The send function currently cannot be used. Confirm with administrator.

All the sending functionalities are disabled.

Check the following settings:
- <Send Restriction Settings> on the Send Function Authentication Settings page (Customizing Settings)
- Use Scan to Memory Media in Memory Media Settings (Setting the Send Function)
Transmission has been suspended. Contact system manager.

Although [Specify LDAP authentication user address as the sender name] is selected, the machine cannot obtain an e-mail address attribute from an authentication server.

Deselect [Specify LDAP authentication user address as the sender name]. (Customizing Settings)
Make sure that an e-mail address attribute is registered on an authentication server.

You tried to send e-mails or I-faxes when the machine is in the User ID Management with the e-mail address of the login user not registered.

Register the e-mail address for each user when User ID Management is enabled. (Specifying Department ID and User Management)

Error Codes

If your copy, sending (TX)/receiving (RX), fax, or print job turns out unsuccessful, check for an error code to identify the problem. Error codes can be found in the log of the System Monitor screen, or are printed on the communication reports. (Printing Communication Reports and Lists)
# 0001

Paper or originals are jammed.

Remove any jammed paper or originals. (Clearing Paper Jams)
# 0003

Communications that take longer than the preset time (64 minutes) caused the error.

Reduce the resolution or divide the document into two or more parts, and then try sending it again. (Specifying the Scan Settings)
When receiving a document, ask the sender to either reduce the resolution at which the document is scanned or divide the document into two or more parts before sending it.
# 0005

The recipient did not answer within 35 seconds.

Confirm that the recipient’s machine is able to communicate, and try again.

The recipient’s machine is not a G3 fax.

Check the type of receiving machine with the receiving party.
# 0009

There is no paper.

Load paper. (Loading Paper)

The paper drawer is not correctly inserted into the machine.

Insert the paper drawer properly.
# 0012

The document could not be sent because the recipient’s machine was out of paper.

Ask the recipient to load paper into their fax machine.
# 0018

The recipient’s machine did not respond when your machine retried sending documents.

Confirm that the recipient’s machine is able to communicate, and then try again.

The documents could not be sent because the recipient’s machine was busy.

Confirm that the recipient’s machine is able to communicate, and then try again.

The settings on your machine do not match the settings on the recipient’s machine.

Check that the settings on your machine match those on the recipient’s machine, and that the recipient’s machine is able to communicate. Try sending again.

No pause is inserted in the fax number when sending a fax overseas.

Insert a pause after the international access code or after the recipient’s fax number, and then dial the number again. (Sending Documents)

Long Distance on the Option screen is set to ‘Domestic’ when sending a fax overseas.

Set Long Distance to ‘Long Distance (1)’, ‘Long Distance (2)’, or ‘Long Distance (3)’, and then dial the number again. (Specifying Destinations Easily and Quickly)
# 0022

Documents could not be forwarded to the specified destination because there is insufficient memory available. The machine can store up to total of 71 jobs of send and transmission report in memory.

Delete unwanted jobs from memory or wait until these jobs are complete, and then try again.
# 0037

Documents could not be received because there is insufficient memory available.

Delete unwanted documents and documents with errors from memory to increase the amount of available memory. (Checking / Changing the Status of Documents in Memory)
# 0059

Your transmission was canceled because the number you dialed was different from the number registered on the other party’s fax machine.

Check to see that the correct fax number is registered on the other party’s fax machine.
# 0099

A job was canceled during transmission to a USB memory media device.

Try sending again if necessary.

A secured print job was automatically canceled after the timeout period elapsed.

Try printing again if necessary. For instructions on how to change the timeout period, see Other System Settings.
# 0401

The USB memory media device is full or the maximum number of files that can be stored in the root directory (the top level of the directory tree in the USB memory media device) has been reached.

Delete unnecessary files in the USB memory media device or organize the files in the root directory by moving existing files to a newly created folder.
# 0403

The job failed because a file with the same name already exists. Generally, if a file with the same name exists, a number ranging from 1 to 999 is added to the tail of the name to prevent naming conflicts. However, this error occurred because a file with the same number added to its file name already exists.

Rename the file, and then write the data again.
# 0404

The job failed because the write protect switch of the USB memory media device was on.

Turn off the write protect switch of the USB memory media device.
# 0406

The job failed because the USB memory media device was pulled out during transmission.

Check that the USB memory media device is properly inserted, and then try sending again.

An error occurred while data, such as image data, was being transferred to the USB memory media device. (The connected device may be formatted with a file system that is not supported by the machine.)

Check the status of the USB memory media device, or make sure that the device is formatted with a file system supported by the machine (FAT16 or FAT32), and then try again.
# 0407

The length of the full path to the specified file (or folder) exceeded the supported limit.

The full path must not be longer than 120 characters. Change or shorten the file name.

The transmission to the USB memory media device was not properly performed because the length of the full path including the root and file name exceeded the limit.

The full path must not be longer than 120 characters. Change or shorten the file name.
Change the folder to which the data is saved.
# 0408

The transfer of data has failed because the USB memory media device was pulled out during the transfer.

Check that the USB memory media device is properly inserted, and then try the transfer again.

An error occurred while data, such as image data, was being transferred to the USB memory media device.

Check the status of the USB memory media device, or make sure that the device is formatted with a file system supported by the machine (FAT16 or FAT32), and then try again.
# 0701

The specified Department ID does not exist, or the password has changed.

Enter the correct Department ID and password using - (numeric keys) on the control panel, and try again. (Entering the Department ID and Password)
# 0703

The memory for image data is full when sending color documents.

Wait for a few moments and try again after other send jobs are complete.
Delete documents stored in memory. If the machine still does not operate normally, turn the main power OFF and then back ON.
# 0705

The send operation was interrupted because the size of the image data is larger than that specified in <Maximum TX Data Size> in E-mail/I-Fax Settings.

Change the setting for <Maximum TX Data Size> in E-mail/I-Fax Settings. (Setting the Send Function)
Select a lower resolution. (Specifying the Scan Settings)
If you are using I-fax, decrease the number of pages containing images that you are sending each time, so that you do not exceed the data size limit specified in <Maximum TX Data Size>.
Set Divide into Pages to ‘On’ on the File Format screen. (Specifying the Scan Settings)
# 0749

You could not execute the job because a service call message is being displayed.

Restart the machine. (Restarting the Machine) If the machine does not restore, turn OFF the main power switch, and disconnect the power cord from the power outlet. Then, contact your local authorized Canon dealer.
# 0751

The file server is not functioning.

Check that the file server is operating properly.

The network is down (the server is unable to connect to the network or was disconnected).

Check the network status.
# 0752

The SMTP server name and e-mail address are incorrect.

Check that SMTP Server and E-mail Address in E-mail/I-Fax are set correctly. (Setting up the Machine for Your Network Environment)

The domain name is incorrect.

Check that Domain Name in DNS Host Name/Domain Name Settings is set correctly. (Setting up the Machine for Your Network Environment)

The SMTP server is not functioning.

Check that the SMTP server is operating properly.

The network is down.

Check the network status.
# 0753

A TCP/IP error occurred while sending an e-mail. (Socket, Select error, etc.)

Check that the network cable is properly connected between the machine and your computer. If the machine still does not operate normally, turn the main power OFF and then back ON.
# 0755

Jobs cannot be sent because TCP/IP is not functioning correctly.

Check that TCP/IP Settings in Network Settings is set correctly. (Connecting the Machine to a TCP/IP Network)

The IP address is not set.

Check that TCP/IP Settings in Network Settings. (Connecting the Machine to a TCP/IP Network)

When the machine was turned ON, an IP address was not assigned to the machine by the DHCP, RARP, or BOOTP server.

After the machine is turned ON, communication with a network will not start until the time specified in Startup Time Settings in Network Settings elapses. (Other System Settings) Wait a few moments, and then try sending again.
# 0801

A timeout error occurred while the machine was communicating with the SMTP server to send an e-mail or send/receive an I-fax.

Check that the SMTP server is functioning normally, or check the network status.

The SMTP server returned an error while trying to connect. The destination is not correct.

Check the destination setting.

An error occurred on the server side during transmission to a file server.

Check that the file server is functioning normally.
# 0802

The name of the SMTP server is incorrect.

Check that SMTP Server in E-mail/I-Fax is set correctly. (Setting up the Machine for Your Network Environment)

The DNS server address settings are incorrect.

Check that Primary DNS Server and Secondary DNS Server in DNS Server Address Settings are set correctly. (Setting up the Machine for Your Network Environment)

The domain name is incorrect.

Check that Domain Name in DNS Host Name/Domain Name Settings is set correctly. (Setting up the Machine for Your Network Environment)

Connection to the DNS server failed.

Check that the DNS server is functioning normally.
# 0804

You do not have permission to access the folder.

Check that the user name and password you specified match the user accounts (user name and password) registered to the computer (file server). (Setting up Computers to Use Print and Send Functions)
# 0806

An incorrect user name or password was specified when sending documents to a file server.

Check that the user name and password you specified match the user accounts (user name and password) registered to the computer (file server). (Setting up Computers to Use Print and Send Functions)

An incorrect destination was specified when sending an e-mail or I-fax.

Check the e-mail or I-fax address.
# 0808

A timeout error occurred while the machine was communicating with the FTP server.

Check that the FTP server is functioning normally.
Check the network status.

The FTP server returned an error while trying to connect. The destination is not correct. An error occurred on the server during transmission.

Check that the FTP server is functioning normally.
Check the network status.
Check the destination setting.
Check the status and setting of the file server.
# 0810

A POP server connection error occurred while receiving an I-fax.

Check that POP Server in E-mail/I-Fax is set correctly. (Setting up the Machine for Your Network Environment)
Check that the POP server is functioning normally.
Check the network status.

The POP server returned an error during the connection.

Check that POP Server in E-mail/I-Fax is set correctly. (Setting up the Machine for Your Network Environment)
Check that the POP server is functioning normally.
Check the network status.

A timeout error occurred on the server while connecting to the POP server.

Check that POP Server in E-mail/I-Fax is set correctly. (Setting up the Machine for Your Network Environment)
Check that the POP server is functioning normally.
Check the network status.
# 0813

The login name or password for access to the POP server is incorrect.

Check that POP Address and POP Password in E-mail/I-Fax are set correctly. (Setting up the Machine for Your Network Environment)
# 0816

You have reached the quota for the number of pages you can scan.

Reset or increase the page quota or contact your system administrator.
# 0818

You have received data that cannot be processed (the attached file cannot be printed).

Check the settings and ask the sender to resend the data.
# 0819

You have received data that cannot be processed (MIME information is incorrect).

Check the settings and ask the sender to resend the data.
# 0820

You have received data that cannot be processed (BASE 64 or uuencode is incorrect).

Check the settings and ask the sender to resend the data.
# 0821

You have received data that cannot be processed (TIFF analysis error).

Check the settings and ask the sender to resend the data.

When you are using the Media Print function, printing cannot be performed because you have selected a JPEG or TIFF file with unsupported file formats or a corrupted image file.

Check the supported file formats of JPEG or TIFF files and select a supported, uncorrupted image file. (Printing from USB Memory Media (Media Print))
# 0827

You have received data that cannot be processed (contains MIME information that is not supported).

Check the settings and ask the sender to resend the data.
# 0828

You have received HTML data.

Ask the sender to use a file format other than HTML and resend the data.
# 0829

Data consisting of more than approximately 1,000 pages is received.

This machine can store up to approximately 1,000 pages of data in memory, but will delete any data that exceeds this limit. Ask the sender to resend the remaining pages.
# 0839

The user name or password for the SMTP Authentication is incorrect.

Check that User and Password on the Authentication/Encryption Settings screen are set correctly. (Setting up the Machine for Your Network Environment)
# 0841

An error occurred when sending TLS-encrypted data because the machine and the mail server do not have a common encryption algorithm.

Disable data transmissions using TLS encryption by setting <Allow TLS (SMTP Send)> in the E-mail/I-Fax setting to ‘Off’. (Setting up the Machine for Your Network Environment)
Change the mail server settings to add a common encryption algorithm that is available both on the machine and the mail server.
# 0842

An error occurred when sending TLS-encrypted data because the mail server requested a client certification. (A client certification is unsupported on the machine.)

Change the mail server settings not to request a client certificate.
Disable data transmissions using TLS encryption by setting <Allow TLS (SMTP Send)> in the E-mail/I-Fax setting to ‘Off’. (Setting up the Machine for Your Network Environment)

The machine detected a problem with the TLS server certificate and the communication failed.

Check the TLS server certificate. For information on the certificate verification, see Customizing Settings.
# 0844

POP authentication failed and a transmission error occurred due to TLS-encrypted communication error when using POP before SMTP.

Check the settings for TLS-encrypted communications on the POP server.
Disable TLS-encryption for communications with the POP server by setting <Allow TLS (POP)> in the E-mail/I-Fax setting to ‘Off’. (Setting up the Machine for Your Network Environment)
Disable POP before SMTP by setting <POP Authentication before Send> in the E-mail/I-Fax setting to ‘Off’. (Setting up the Machine for Your Network Environment)
# 0852

An error occurred because the main power switch was turned OFF while a job was being processed.

Check to see if the main power switch is turned ON. Retry the job, if necessary.
# 0853

A print job sent from a computer via a printer driver is canceled since <Only allow secure print jobs> is set to ‘On’.

Set <Only allow secure print jobs> to ‘Off’, and then send the job again.
Assign a password to the job, and then send it again.
# 0995

The communication reservation was canceled.

If necessary, try again from the beginning.