Address List Types and Usable Address Books

The Address Book consists of multiple address lists (lists in which destinations are registered) that are suitable for different users and purposes.
When you specify a destination, you can use the Address Book of this machine or the Address Book of another machine on the network.

Address List Types

The types of address lists are described below. You can register the same types of destinations in any type of address list.

Common Address Lists

These common address lists are available to all users. The following three types are available.
Address List 1 to 10
A maximum total of 1,600 destinations can be registered in Address List 1 to Address List 10 and the Address List for Administrators.
One-Touch Address List
This address list contains the registered one-touch button destinations.
Up to 200 destinations can be registered.
Address List for Administrators
This address list contains the destinations that only users with Administrator privileges or DeviceAdmin privileges can register and edit.
Use this address list to register destinations that users other than administrators are restricted from registering and editing, such as destinations to be specified as the forwarding destinations for sent and received faxes.
Restricting the Registration and Editing of Destinations
You can set a PIN to the Address Book to restrict the registration of destinations to Address List 1 to Address List 10 and the One-Touch Address List, and restrict the editing of registered destinations. Restricting Address Book Registration and Editing by Setting a PIN
Restricting the Display and Use of Some Destinations
You can set an access number for destinations in Address List 1 to Address List 10 and the Address List for Administrators, to restrict the display and use of each destination.
* Access number management setting needs to be enabled. Hiding Destinations (Access Number Management)

User-Specific Address Lists

These address lists are available only to specific users that log in to the machine. The following two types are available.
Personal Address List
This is a personal address list for each login user.
Each user can register up to 25 destinations.
User Group Address List
This is an address list for user groups. Only users who belong to the user group specified in the public view settings for the address list can use the list and register and edit the destinations. Sharing Destinations in a Group (User Group)
Up to 4,000 destinations*1 (10 groups*2 × 400 destinations*3) can be registered for each user.
Users with Administrator privileges who log in to Remote UI can register and edit the destinations in all user group address lists.
*1A maximum total of 20,000 destinations can be registered for all groups in the machine.
*2This is the maximum number of groups that can be registered per user (up to 50 groups can be registered in the machine).
*3This is the maximum number of destinations that can be registered per group.
Unusable Functions
Since public viewing is restricted for personal address lists and user group address lists, the following operations are not available:
Specifying a registered destination as a forwarding destination for sent and received faxes, or as a reply-to destination or notice destination when sending e-mail
Printing a list of registered destinations (address list)
Registering a Mail Box to a group destination
Restricting the Use of Personal Address Lists
You can configure settings to disable the use of personal address lists. [Use Personal Address List]
Restricting the Use of User Group Address Lists
You can configure settings to disable the use of user group address lists, or enable only users with Administrator privileges to register and edit destinations from Remote UI. [Use User Group Address List]

Moving and Copying Destinations Between Address Lists

When you edit a registered destination and change the address list to which it is registered, the destination is either "moved" or "copied" depending on the type of address list before and after the change.
When Changing "Between Common Address Lists" or "Between User-Specific Address Lists"
Destinations are "moved" to the changed address list.
Examples of changes:
Changing from Address List 1 to the Address List for Administrators
Changing from a personal address list to a user group address list
When Changing from a Common Address List to a User-Specific Address List
When Changing from a User-Specific Address List to a Common Address List
The destination is "copied" to the changed address list, and the destination information before editing remains in the address list before the change.
Examples of changes:
Changing from Address List 1 to a user group address list
Changing from a personal address list to the Address List for Administrators
* You cannot change destinations registered in the One-Touch Address List to another address list. You also cannot change destinations from another address list to the One-Touch Address List.
* You cannot move or copy destinations if the use and editing of the address list is restricted.

Usable Address Books

Registered destinations are stored in the Address Book of the machine (Local Address Book).
When you specify a destination, you can use the Local Address Book or the Address Book of another machine on the network (Remote Address Book).
Preparing to Use a Remote Address Book
You need to configure the following settings before using a Remote Address Book.
On the other machine (server machine) on the network, set the Address Book to be open.
Set this machine (client machine) to acquire the Remote Address Book, and register the server machine. [Acquire Remote Address Book]
* If the system manager information (System Manager ID and PIN) is set on the server machine, the system manager information on the server machine needs to match the information set on the client machine. Changing the Department ID and PIN for the Administrator
Using Destinations in the Remote Address Book
On the Address Book screen, press [To Remote Address Book] or [Change Address Book] [Remote] to switch to the Remote Address Book. Address Book Screen
Editing and Deleting Destinations in the Remote Address Book
You cannot edit or delete destinations in the Remote Address Book from the client machine. Edit and delete destinations on the server machine.
When the System Manager ID and PIN Are Set on the Server Machine
You cannot use a Remote Address Book in the following cases:
When the System Manager ID and PIN are not set on the client machine
When the System Manager ID and PIN set on the server machine differ from those set on the client machine
* For details on the System Manager ID and PIN, see the following:
Number of Client Machines That Can Be Connected at the Same Time
Up to eight client machines can be connected to a server machine at the same time.
* The number may be reduced if the server machine is performing other network communications.
* If the machine cannot connect to the server machine, a network error notice is sent.
When Remote Address Book Destinations Are Updated on the Server Machine
You can use the updated destination information on the client machine. However, if a Remote Address Book destination is registered to a Personal button, Shared button, or the "Favorite Settings" on the client machine, that registered destination information is not updated when the information on the server machine is updated.
The one-touch button destination information is updated when the following operations or process is performed on the client machine:
When you press [ Reset]
When sending is completed
When you perform Auto Reset [Auto Reset Time]
When Using the Address Book of This Machine as a Remote Address Book from Another Machine
Set the Address Book of this machine to be open, and configure this machine to be used as a server machine. [Make Remote Address Book Open]