Checking and Printing Received Confidential Faxes

When a received fax is stored in the Confidential Fax Inbox, the Processing/Data indicator on the control panel lights up green.
You can check the content of faxes stored in the Confidential Fax Inbox on the control panel or Remote UI before printing them.
This section describes how to check and print faxes using the control panel.
To check or print a fax using Remote UI from a computer, perform the operations from [Access Received/Stored Files] on the Portal page. Managing the Machine from a Computer (Remote UI)
Required Preparations
Configure the settings to store received faxes in the Confidential Fax Inbox. Configuring Settings for Receiving Confidential Faxes
On the control panel, press [Fax/I-Fax Inbox] in the [Home] screen. [Home] Screen
The screen for selecting the store location of the received fax is displayed.
Press [Confidential Fax Inbox].
Select the Confidential Fax Inbox where the received fax is stored.
You can also directly specify the Confidential Fax Inbox by using the numeric keys to enter the box number.
If the PIN input screen appears, enter the PIN set for the Confidential Fax Inbox, and press [OK].
You can check the icons for the status of each Confidential Fax Inbox.
[]: Faxes are stored.
[]: Faxes are not stored.
[]: PIN is set. Setting Confidential Fax Inbox
Check or print the fax.
To delete fax data, select a fax and press [Delete] [Yes].
* You cannot select and delete multiple faxes at the same time.
When Checking the Fax Information and Content
Select a received fax and press [Details] to check details such as the size of the fax.
Select a fax and press [Display Image] to display a preview screen and check the content of the fax.
You can also delete or print pages from the preview screen.
When Printing a Fax
Select the fax to be printed, and press [Print] [Start Printing].
* To automatically delete the data of the printed fax from the Confidential Fax Inbox, select [Delete File After Printing] and press [Start Printing].
* You cannot select and print multiple faxes at the same time.
Checking Faxes from the E-Mail Notice Sent When Faxes Are Stored
If the Confidential Fax Inbox settings are configured to send an e-mail notice of the store location URL when faxes are stored, you can use a web browser on your computer to open the URL in the notice, and check the content of the fax on the Remote UI screen. Setting Confidential Fax Inbox
Registering a Shortcut to the Store Location
By registering the store location for received faxes as a button on the [Home] screen, you can call up the location from the [Home] screen with a single press of a button. Adding Buttons to the [Home] Screen (Personal and Shared Buttons)