Managing the Machine from a Computer (Remote UI)
With Remote UI, you can use a web browser on a computer to check the operation status of the machine, change the machine settings, and register destinations in the Address Book. You can manage the machine remotely and efficiently perform time-consuming settings and registrations on the computer.
The functions available with Remote UI vary depending on the privileges (role) the login user has.
Remote UI Functions Available for Each Privilege
User type | Privileges | Remote UI functions available |
General user | GeneralUser | Limited functions are available, such as checking the usage and logs, canceling printing, and changing some settings. |
Administrator | DeviceAdmin | A DeviceAdmin can use the functions available to general users, and can change settings related to basic functions such as printing, scanning, faxing, and copying, as well as settings related to device information settings. |
NetworkAdmin | A NetworkAdmin can use the functions available to general users, and can change network-related settings. |
Administrator | An Administrator can use all Remote UI functions. |
* For details on the settings that can be changed by a DeviceAdmin and NetworkAdmin, see the following:
See Also
User Authentication
User authentication helps to prevent operation of the machine by third parties and unauthorized access to the machine by allowing you to manage the users of the machine and perform authentication when they use the machine.