Attaching Signed Digital Stamps

When you attach a signed digital stamp on the currently displayed document using Annotation Editor, a digital certificate can be added to a document together with the digital stamp and modification performed after the digital stamp is attached can be detected. The document on which a digital stamp is attached must be saved in the library using one of the methods below.
Save As
The following edits can be made to digital stamps that have been tentatively placed.
Change Size
If you perform the following operation, you can undo or redo the last 7 operations.
Click (Undo)/ (Redo) on the Toolbar.
Select the [Edit] menu > [Undo]/[Redo].
If buttons are not displayed on the Annotation Editor Toolbar, set the buttons on the Toolbar. For more information, see the following.
For more information on unsigned digital stamps, see the following.
You need to prepare a digital certificate which is to be added to a digital stamp.
Also see the following as necessary.
Click on the right side of (signed digital stamp) in the Object Palette Pane.
Or, select the [Digital Stamps] menu > [Attach Signed Digital Stamp].
The submenu is displayed.
Select a signed digital stamp to paste.
The preview of the selected signed digital stamp is displayed in the Object Palette Pane.
Configure the following settings if necessary.
If you want to adjust the date of a digital stamp:
Click [Edit Time and Date].
The [Edit Time and Date] dialog box is displayed. For more information, see the following.
If a digital stamp has no date information in it, this cannot be selected.
If you want to adjust the paste size of a digital stamp:
Deselect the [Fix size at insertion] check box on the Object Palette Pane.
Or, deselect the [Fix size at insertion] check box in the [Digital Stamps] menu.
If you want to paste a digital stamp at its registered size, select the [Fix size at insertion] check box.
Or, select the [Fix size at insertion] check box in the [Digital Stamps] menu.
The changed digital stamp size is retained when inserting next time. To restore the changed digital stamp size, click [Restore Original Value] in the properties. The [Restore Original Value] button is only valid before inserting a digital stamp.
If you want to change the stamped images:
Click [Edit Stamped Image].
The [Edit Stamped Image] dialog box is displayed. For more information, see the following.
Move the mouse pointer to the Work Pane.
The shape of mouse pointer becomes , and the same preview as the one displayed in the Object Palette Pane is displayed.
Set the preview where you want to insert the digital stamp, and then click it.
When you set to attach a digital stamp with the registered size in step 3, the [Select Certificate] dialog box is displayed. Proceed to step 8.
When you set to attach a digital stamp by changing its size from the registered size in step 3, the digital stamp is tentatively placed. Proceed to step 6.
Adjust the size and the location of the digital stamp.
To change the size:
Drag the handles in the four corners of the preview.
To adjust the location:
Drag the digital stamp to the desired position.
Or, press the arrow keys on the keyboard.
To change the shape of the digital stamp to an oval, drag it while holding down the [Shift] key on the keyboard.
You can move an object by five pixels when you use an arrow key on the keyboard.
You can move an object by one pixel when you use an arrow key while holding the [Ctrl] key on the keyboard.
After deciding the size and position, click somewhere other than the preview in the Work Pane to paste the digital stamp.
The [Select Certificate] dialog box is displayed.
Alternatively, you can use the following operations to decide the tentative position of the digital stamp.
Save As
Press the [Enter] key on the keyboard
Select a certificate to use for the document signature from the list, and click [OK].
A confirmation message is displayed.
The list displays digital certificates that can be attached to a digital stamp.
Select whether to attach the digital stamp to the document.
[Save]: The document is overwritten, and the digital stamp is attached. In this case, proceed to step 12.
[Save As]: The [Save As] dialog box is displayed. In this case, proceed to step 10.
[Cancel]: Attaching the digital stamp is aborted.
Select a library or folder in a library to save from the [Library] list.
Specify the document name in [Document Name] and then click [Save].
The document is saved with the specified name, and the digital stamp is attached.
If one of the following dialog boxes is displayed after you save a document, select an appropriate update process and then click [OK].
[Checked Out Document Confirmation] dialog box
[Modify Shared Document] dialog box
When you attach a digital stamp, the [Signature List] list in the Navigation Pane is updated.
Click on the work pane outside the digital stamp you pasted to deselect the digital stamp.
Signed digital stamps can be verified.