Sending I-Faxes

Place the document. Placing Documents
Press <Scan and Send>. <Home> Screen
Specify the destination on the Scan Basic Features screen.  Scan Basic Features Screen
Specifying Destinations from the Address Book
Specifying Destinations from One-Touch Buttons
Entering Destinations Manually
Specifying Destinations in the LDAP Server
You can only change destinations from <Details> specified using the New Destination and destinations obtained via an LDAP server.
If the server machine is performing the System Manager information settings, authentication between the server machine and the client machine is performed while the client machine is obtaining the Remote Address Book/one-touch buttons. Authentication is performed by matching the System Manager ID and System Manager PIN set by the server machine and client machine. Changing the System Manager ID and PIN
The availability of the Remote Address Book/one-touch buttons depends on the status of the System Manager information settings for the server machine and client machine, as shown below.
When the server machine is performing the System Manager information settings
When the client machine is performing the System Manager information settings
The System Manager ID and System PIN for the server machine and client machine match
Can use the Remote Address Book/One-Touch Button
Does Not Match
Not Performing
Not Performing
Not Performing
Specifying Destinations from the Address Book
Press <Address Book>.
Select the destination and press <OK>.
If an access number is set when the destination is registered, press <Access No.> and enter the access number using the numeric keys. The corresponding destination is displayed in the Address Book.
To use the Remote Address Book, press <To Remote Address Book>. When <Change Address Book> is displayed, press <Change Address Book>  <Remote>.
Destination type buttons
Pressinganddisplays I-fax and group destinations, respectively.
Drop-down list for selection of Address Book types
Enables you to display a specific group of destinations. When you are logged in to the machine with personal authentication management, selecting <Personal Address List> displays your personal Address Book.
<Search by Name>
Enables you to search the destination by the name you are entering.
Search buttons by first letter
Enables you to narrow down a search by the first letter of the destination name.
To use the Remote Address Book, it is necessary to configure the server machine settings. Set to open the Remote Address Book externally on the server machine.
Specifying Destinations from One-Touch Buttons
Press <One-Touch>.
Select the desired one-touch button and press <OK>.
To specify the destination using a one-touch button number (one-touch number), press  and enter the number for the desired one-touch button.
To use the Remote Address Book, press <To Remote Address Book>.
The destinations registered in the one-touch buttons of the server machine are updated in the following times:
When a fax job has been sent on the client machine
When you press the Reset key on the client machine
When Auto Reset is activated on the client machine
Entering Destinations Manually
You can specify destinations manually that are not registered in the Address Book or one-touch buttons.
Press <New Destination> <I-Fax>.
Select the transmission mode.
If you want to set the machine so that you can check the sending result of a document on the <Status Monitor> screen, select <Full>. If not, select <Simple>. Note that the recipient also needs to support the transmission mode in order to check the sending result. Depending on the recipient's machine, sending an I-fax is not allowed unless you select <Simple>.
If you send an I-fax to a destination that does not support the transmission mode, the <Status Monitor> screen displays <Awaiting result...> even if sending is complete. This message is displayed until the time set for <Full Mode TX Timeout> passes. <Full Mode TX Timeout>
Enter the I-fax destination.
Press <I-Fax Address>, enter the destination, and then press <OK>. The destination needs to be specified in a format such as "" To send to a device within the same network, enter the destination in a format such as "adv01@ (recipient's name@IP address)."
Press <Destination Conditions>.
Specify the receiving conditions the recipient supports and press <OK>.
Be sure to check the receiving functions the recipient supports before specifying the conditions.
To add another I-fax address, press <Next Destination> and repeat steps 2 through 5.
In <Compression Method>, the compression ratio of files increases in the order of MH→MR→MMR, and shortens transmission time.
In <Divide Data>, select <On> to divide large amounts of document data for sending. If the recipient does not have the function to combine divided data, select <Off>. For the <Off> setting, a transmission error occurs when the size of send data exceeds a certain value. <Maximum Data Size for Sending>
Specifying the conditions the recipient does not support may cause a transmission error.
You can press <Register to Address Book> to register the entered destination. Set the required conditions, and specify <Name> and <Address Book>. For information on the settings, see Registering Destinations in the Address Book.
Press <OK>.
To send to a device within the same network
When sending an I-fax to a device within the same network, you can send directly to the device without going through the mail server. Set <Send via Server> to <Off> before sending an I-fax.
Specifying Destinations in the LDAP Server
You can search and specify destinations registered in the LDAP server.
Press <Address Book>.
Press <To LDAP Server>.
When <Change Address Book> is displayed, press <Change Address Book> <LDAP Server>.
If the network password input screen is displayed, enter the user name and password and press <OK>.
Press <Search by Conditions>.
To display all the destinations in the LDAP server without specifying any conditions, proceed to step 5.
Specify the search conditions.
Search categories
Select a criterion to search for destinations from name, e-mail address, organization name, and organization unit (department name, etc).
Search conditions
Select a search condition such as a destination name that contains "John" and a department name that begins with "Development."
Search characters
Press <Set> and enter search characters for the search condition.
To search with multiple conditions
You can search destinations with multiple conditions. Specify the first search condition, press <Add Search Condition>, and then select <or> or <and> for the next condition.
Press <Start Searching>.
The search results are displayed.
To search with another condition, press <Delete> to delete the specified settings and then set a new condition.
Select destination and press <Specify E-Mail Address as I-Fax>  <OK>.
Check the displayed message and press <OK>.
Press <Details>.
Specify the receiving conditions the recipient supports and press <OK>.
Press <Destination Conditions> and select the functions the recipient supports. Be sure to check the receiving functions the destination before specifying the conditions.
In <Compression Method>, the compression ratio of files increases in the order of MH→MR→MMR, so shortens transmission time.
In <Divide Data>, select <On> to divide send large amounts of document data for sending. If the recipient does not have the function to combine divided data, select <Off>. For the <Off> setting, a transmission error occurs when the size of send data exceeds a certain value. <Maximum Data Size for Sending>
Specifying the conditions the recipient does not support may cause a transmission error.
Press <OK>.
Press <Options> and specify the scan settings as necessary.
See the following for details.
Basic Operations for Scanning Documents
Scanning Clearly
Scanning Efficiently
Useful Scanning Functions
Press  (Start).
Documents are scanned and sending starts.
To cancel scanning, press <Cancel> or  (Stop) <Yes>.
When <Press the [Start] key to scan the next original.> is displayed
To cancel sending, press <To Status Monitor>  select a document  <Cancel> <Yes>.
To check the total number of specified destinations
The total number of specified destinations is displayed on the top right of the screen. This enables you to confirm that the number of destinations is correct before sending.
To send with the sender information
You can send with the sender's name and I-fax address. <TX Terminal ID>
To check the statuses for sent documents
On the <Status Monitor> screen, you can check the statuses for sent documents. This screen enables you to send faxes again or cancel sending after checking the statuses. Checking Status and Log for Sent and Received Documents
When <Display Notification When Job Is Accepted> is set to <On>, the <Status Monitor> screen can be displayed from the following screen that is shown after a send job is received. <Display Notification When Job Is Accepted>
To print the report for the results of sending
On the Scan Basic Features screen, pressing <Options>  <TX Report> enables you to set to automatically print the report listing the results of sending. Checking Status and Log for Sent and Received Documents
To set this for each job from <Options>, it is necessary to select <For Error Only> or <Off> in <TX Report>, and then set <Allow Printing from Options> to <On>.
To send files securely
Using TLS communication enables you to send an encrypted file. Configuring the Key and Certificate for TLS
When multiple sheets are fed
Scanning is stopped and the message is displayed on the screen. Follow the instructions to clear the jam. When you have cleared the jam, the resume job screen is displayed. If the machine mistakenly detects multiple sheet feeding, press <Do Not Detect Multi. Sheet Feed> to resume scanning.
To set the machine in advance to not notify you of multiple sheet feeding, perform one of the following operations.
 Each time you send, press <Options> on the Fax Basic Features screen  select <Detect Feeder Multi Sheet Fd.> to disable the setting.
 Set <Set Detection of Feeder Multi. Sheet Feed as Default> to <Off> (<Set Detection of Feeder Multi. Sheet Feed as Default>).
When photos in the sent image are too dark or light colors in the background of color originals cannot be removed
The quality of the sent image may be able to be improved if the following conditions/settings are met.
Job type: Fax (Memory Sending) or Scan and Send (Fax/I-fax)
<Select Color>: <Black & White> (Scan and Send)
<Original Type>: <Text>
<Density>  <Background Density>: <Auto>
<Resolution>: 200 dpi x 400 dpi, 300 dpi x 300 dpi*, 400 dpi x 400 dpi, or 600 dpi x 600 dpi*
*Can be set for Scan and Send
<Speed/Image Quality Priority for B&W Scan>  Fax/I-Fax Send Jobs: <Quality Priority> (<Speed/Image Quality Priority for B&W Scan>)
Checking scanned documents before sending
You can check scanned documents on the preview screen before sending.Checking Scanned Originals Before Sending/Saving (Preview)
Registering frequently used settings
You can combine frequently used destinations and scan settings into a button of the machine for later use. By pressing the registered button when scanning documents, you can quickly complete your settings. Registering a Combination of Frequently Used Functions

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