Message List

This section describes some of the messages displayed while using the Inspection Tool.

Printing and inspection will temporarily stop because consecutive defective sheets have been found. (Sheets: XX)
* Check the device and make sure that printing has completely stopped before closing this message.
* Printing and inspection will resume when this message is closed.

Perform handling in the following order.
Stop the print job.
Check whether the inspection job matches with print job images and settings.
Paper size
Image of each page
Layout of the page printed on each face
Number of sheets per copy
Output method
If they do not match, cancel the inspection. Copy the print job where the problem occurred and configure the correct settings, and then perform the inspection again.
Check the text inspection/barcode inspection settings.
If there are problems in the text inspection results
Register a font that has the same type and size as the font used in the inspection area.
Alternatively, set the character size in the inspection area to 8 pt to 24 pt, and keep the spacing between characters and the top, bottom, left, and right margin sizes within the specification range.
Check that the font image you want to register does not contain any defects.
If it contains defects, either perform the font registration again or adjust the trimming frame so that it does not contain the defects.
Configure the inspection area to contain only characters.
If there are problems in the barcode inspection results
Configure the inspection area to contain the entire barcode.
Correctly specify the barcode used in the inspection area.
Match the margins, size, color, background color, etc. to the barcode specifications.
If the problem cannot be fixed by 2 and 3 above, check the output paper.
If the inspection job matches with print job images and settings, check the output paper, master images, and then defective images.
If similar problems occur repeatedly at the same place in the output paper:
Perform cleaning of each of the printer parts.
Refer to the instruction manual of the printer for the cleaning procedures.
If there are no problems in the inspection results of the output paper but problems in the master images:
Clean the inside of the Inspection Unit. People who have received an explanation of the cleaning from your local authorized Canon dealer should perform the cleaning referring to the procedure guide provided at the time of the explanation.
Re-create the master images.
If there are no problems in the inspection results of the output paper or master images but problems in the defective images:
Clean the inside of the Inspection Unit. People who have received an explanation of the cleaning from your local authorized Canon dealer should perform the cleaning referring to the procedure guide provided at the time of the explanation.
If there are no problems in the inspection results of the output paper, master images, or defective images:
Copy the inspection job where the problem occurred, adjust [Consecutive Defective Sheet Threshold] and inspection settings on the [Preferences] screen, and then execute the inspection again.
Configuring Preferences
Configuring Inspection Settings
If an error occurs even after executing the inspection again, clean the inside of the Inspection Unit. People who have received an explanation of the cleaning from your local authorized Canon dealer should perform the cleaning referring to the procedure guide provided at the time of the explanation.
If this error occurs even after cleaning, there is a possibility that a problem has occurred in the Inspection Unit. Contact your local authorized Canon dealer.

Cannot continue processing because an error occurred.
Master image registration will end.
* The device will not be able to print until this message is closed.

Check whether the settings in the [Job Settings (Register Master Image)] screen for registering master images match the settings in the executed print job.
Paper size
Image of each page
Layout of the page printed on each face
Number of sheets per copy
Output method
If they do not match, configure the correct settings and then register the master images.
If this error occurs repeatedly, contact your local authorized Canon dealer.

Cannot continue processing because an error occurred.
The application will close.

The paper size configured on the [Job Settings (Register Master Image)] screen for registering master images may differ from the paper size setting for the executed print job. Check that the settings match.
If this error occurs repeatedly despite the paper size settings matching, contact your local authorized Canon dealer.

Cannot communicate with the contact image sensor.
Check that the cable is properly connected.

Check that the cable connected to the Inspection Unit is correctly connected to the computer. If this message is displayed repeatedly even though the cable is connected to the computer correctly, contact your local authorized Canon dealer.

Cannot create the master image because there is insufficient space on the solid state drive.
Perform one of the following:
- Reduce the number of copies to scan.
- Export unnecessary inspection jobs to a different drive, and then delete those jobs from the list.
If this message is displayed again, consider reducing the number of sheets per copy by separating the print job into multiple jobs, etc.

Perform the operations by following the messages.

Cannot register the font because there is insufficient space on the solid state drive.
Reduce the number of sheets to scan.
If this message is displayed again, export unnecessary inspection jobs to a different drive, and then delete those jobs from the list.

Perform the operations by following the messages.

Could not register the font.
There may be insufficient space on the solid state drive.
If so, export unnecessary inspection jobs to a different drive, and then delete those jobs from the list.

Perform the operations by following the messages.
Inspection jobs can only be saved to the internal SSD.
Refer to the following for details on exporting inspection jobs.

Messages Other Than Above

If a message other than the above is displayed and the error occurs repeatedly even after performing handling, contact your local authorized Canon dealer.