Generate the key and certificate required for TLS-encrypted communication on the machine. A self-signed certificate is used for the self-generated key. For the algorithm of the keys and certificates that can be generated with this machine, see the specifications of the self-generated key and self-signed certificate. Keys and Certificates
Generate a key and certificate using Remote UI from a computer. You cannot use the control panel to generate a key and certificate. Administrator privileges are required.
Click [Device Management] [Key and Certificate Settings] [Generate Key].
The [Generate Key] screen is displayed.
Select [Network Communication], and click [OK].
The [Generate Network Communication Key] screen is displayed.
In [Key Settings], enter the name of the key, and select the signature and key algorithm.
Enter the key name using single-byte alphanumeric characters.
For the key algorithm, select [RSA] or [ECDSA], and select the key length from the pulldown menu. The longer the key length, the better the security, but this slows down communication processing.
In [Certificate Settings], set the certificate information.
[Validity Start Date (YYYY/MM/DD)]/[Validity End Date (YYYY/MM/DD)]
Enter the start and end dates of the certificate validity period.
Select [Select Country/Region], and then select the country or region from the pulldown menu, or select [Enter Internet Country Code], and enter the country code.
[State]/[City]/[Organization]/[Organization Unit]
Enter the items as needed using single-byte alphanumeric characters.
[Common Name]
Enter the name of the certificate subject as needed using single-byte alphanumeric characters. This corresponds to the Common Name (CN).
Click [OK].
The generated key and certificate are added to [Registered Key and Certificate] on the [Key and Certificate Settings] screen.
Log out from Remote UI.
Viewing and Verifying Detailed Information of a Generated Certificate
When you click the key name (or certificate icon) in [Registered Key and Certificate] on the [Key and Certificate Settings] screen, the certificate details appear.
On the certificate details screen, click [Verify Certificate] to verify that the certificate is valid.
When the Key and Certificate Cannot Be Deleted
You cannot delete a key and certificate being used. Disable the function being used, or delete these after switching to another key and certificate.
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