File and Division Settings

Set the file format and division settings of the scanned data and the scanned data file name.
This extracts text information from the original and creates a text-searchable file.

Configuring the File Format and Division Settings

Select the scanned data format from JPEG, TIFF, PDF, XPS, or OOXML according to your purpose and environment.
You can compress data and outline text and line drawings. You can also combine originals with multiple pages into one file or create separate files for each page.
* You cannot configure this setting when saving scanned data to Mail Box.
On the scan screen, press the file format setting button. Scan Screen
The [File Format] screen is displayed.
Select the file format.
This file format is suitable for originals with photos. You can divide an original with multiple pages into separate files for each page.
This file format is suitable for originals with images. Originals are scanned in black and white.
[TIFF/JPEG (Auto)]
The setting is set to TIFF or JPEG automatically depending on the color setting when scanning. Selecting a Color
When the color setting is [Black & White]: TIFF
When the color setting is other than [Black & White]: JPEG
In the case of TIFF and JPEG, you can divide an original with multiple pages into separate files for each page.
This file format is suitable for documents. You can display the document in the same way on any computer regardless of the operating system.
A file format used since Windows Vista. You can display the document in the same way on any computer operating Windows.
The file format (Office Open XML) of Microsoft Office documents standardized by the International Organization for Standardization. This file format can be edited with Word or PowerPoint. Select whether to use Word or PowerPoint format.
Configure additional PDF, XPS, or OOXML features, as needed.
You can configure additional features when PDF, XPS, or OOXML is selected in Step 2.
When Configuring Additional PDF Features
When Configuring Additional XPS Features
When Configuring Additional OOXML Features
Configure the division setting, as needed.
To divide an original with multiple pages into separate files for each page instead of having them as one file, press [Divide into Pages] to select it.
To scan from [Scan and Send], specify how many pages to divide the original into, and press [OK].
Press [OK].
The scan screen is displayed again.
The Effect of the File Format on Select Color, Resolution, and Ratio
When PDF (compact or outline), XPS (compact), or OOXML is selected, the following setting restrictions apply:
Color selection: other than [Black & White]
Resolution: [300x300 dpi]
* When selecting OOXML in PowerPoint format, you can also set this to [600x600 dpi].
Ratio: [100%] or [Auto]
When Creating an Outlined PDF File
You cannot configure this setting when the original size is set to [Long Original].
Depending on the original, characters and line drawings may not be correctly identified.
Depending on your version of Adobe Illustrator, the text and background may appear misaligned or text and line drawings may not be displayed when opening an outlined PDF file.

Setting the File Name

By default, scanned data is sent and saved with the following file name:
When sending an e-mail
 Job No.
 Page No.
When sending scanned data to a destination other than an e-mail address or when saving scanned data
 Send/save date and time (in this example, "10/30/2023, 12:34:56 PM")
* When the file format setting is set to [Divide into Pages]
You can specify a custom file name indicating the contents, or configure the settings to create a file name by extracting the characters at the beginning of the original.
On the scan screen, press [File Name] or [Options]  [File Name]. Scan Screen
The [File Name] screen is displayed.
Set the file name.
To scan from [Scan and Send], press [File Name], enter a custom file name, and press [OK].
Scanned data is sent or saved with the following file name:
When sending an e-mail
When sending to a destination other than an e-mail address
When saving scanned data
If the total number of characters used for the set file name and used to indicate the file location (path) exceeds 256 single-byte characters, the file may not be sent or saved with the set file name.
If you enter characters not allowed by the operating system of the sending destination, such as "\," "/," ":," "*," "?," "<," ">," or "|," when sending the file to a file server, etc., the file may not be sent.
You cannot use the characters "\," "/," ":," "*," "?," "<," ">," or "|" in the file name when saving scanned data. In addition, you cannot use a period or space at the beginning or end of a file name.
When Creating a File Name by Extracting the Characters at the Beginning of the Original (Only When Sending Scanned Data)
To Prevent the Date/Time and Page Number from Being Automatically Added (Only When Sending Scanned Data)
Press [OK] or [OK]  [Close].
The scan screen is displayed again.
Editing a File Name Registered in "Favorite Settings" in [Scan and Send]
When "Favorite Settings" are registered with a file name set, you can use the following procedure to edit only the file name setting registered in "Favorite Settings."
Log in to Remote UI  [Settings/Registration]  [Send]  [Favorite Settings]  [Edit]  edit the file name  [OK].
* You cannot use the control panel to edit only the file name setting. To change the file name setting, register "Favorite Settings" again. Registering and Recalling Favorite Settings

Creating a Text-Searchable File (OCR Processing)

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is a technology that recognizes characters in the original and extracts text information.
Configure the settings to perform OCR processing when scanning the original to create a text-searchable file.
Text-searchable file formats:
PDF (searchable PDF)
* You cannot configure this setting when saving scanned data to Mail Box.
On the scan screen, press the file format setting button. Scan Screen
The [File Format] screen is displayed.
Select the file format.
To create a PDF file, press [PDF].
To create a Word-format OOXML file, press [OOXML]  [Word].
To create a PowerPoint-format OOXML file, press [OOXML]  [PowerPoint].
To create a XPS file, press [XPS].  
Press [OCR (Prioritize Speed)], [OCR (Text Searchable)] or [OCR (Prioritize Precision)].
If you selected [PDF] or [XPS] in Step 2, this can be set in combination with [Compact] or other additional functions.
* [Trace & Smooth] and [Limited Color] cannot be set in combination with [OCR (Prioritize Precision)].
* The image quality level setting is disabled when [OCR (Prioritize Precision)] is used in combination with [Compact]. [Image Quality Level for Limited Color/Compact]
   The image quality may be different from PDF files created using [OCR (Prioritize Speed)] in combination with [Compact].
Selecting the OCR processing language according to the language of the original.
If you selected [PDF] or [XPS] in Step 2, select the language from the [OCR Language] pull-down menu.
When [OOXML]  [Word] is selected in Step 2, press [Change], select the language, and press [OK].
When [OOXML]  [PowerPoint] is selected in Step 2, select the language, and press [OK].
Press [OK].
The scan screen is displayed again.
The Effect of OCR Processing on Original Size and Ratio
When OCR processing is set, the following setting restrictions apply:
Original size: other than [Long Original]
Ratio: [100%] or [Auto]
Auto Detection of Original Orientation
By default, the orientation of the original is detected automatically according to the orientation of text detected when the file is created. [OCR (Text Searchable) Settings]
Deleting the Background Image (Only for Word-format OOXML Files)
You can configure the setting to delete the image recognized as the background when creating a file. Deleting unneeded images makes it easier to edit Word files. [Include Background Images in Word File]
When OCR Processing Is Not Performed Correctly
Check whether the language settings in Step 4 match the language used in the original.
Check whether the original being used is suitable for OCR processing. Text Is Not OCR Processed Correctly