Confirming Documents

You can confirm unread/updated documents in a monitored folder, or new documents in My Tray that you have been notified of by Document Monitor, in the unread/updated document list window or monitored folder history.
Opening a Folder or Document from the Unread/Updated Document List Window
Opening a Folder/Document from the Document Log for the Monitored Folder
Opening My Tray or New documents from the My Tray Documents Log
You need to configure the document notification settings to receive document notifications. For more information on these settings, see the following.
If the document destination is a personal library, you will be notified of unread documents but not of updated documents.
For more information on how to configure monitoring target folders, see the following.
When a folder is specified as a monitoring target, it will be monitored even when Document Monitor is running but Desktop Browser is not running, and a document notification icon will be displayed when there is an unread/updated document in the folder.
You will not be notified of a document if the extension of the document is either ".tmp" or ".TMP".
Opening a Folder or Document from the Unread/Updated Document List Window
When you are notified of a document, the unread/updated document list window is displayed. Folders, My Tray or documents which have been notified can be opened from the list window of unread/modified documents.
Select and double-click a folder, My Tray, or document from those displayed in the unread/updated document list window.
Or, select a folder, My Tray, or a document from the list displayed in the unread/updated document list window, and perform the following operation.
Press the [Enter] key on the keyboard.
Right-click the item, and select [Open Document] or [Open Folder].
Desktop Browser is started.
The following occurs if you double-click an item displayed in the unread/updated document list window.
If you double-click a folder, the items in the folder/My Tray are displayed in the File List View Pane.
If you double-click a document, the associated application is started and the selected document is displayed.
If you open an unread document when the [Automatically mark unread documents as read when displayed] check box is selected, the document is deleted from the notification list. If you do not select this, the document will not become read and will not be deleted from the notification list. However, when it is updated, the update will be cleared.
[Settings] > [System Settings] > [Browser] > [Display Settings] > [Automatically mark unread documents as read when displayed]
If you open an updated document that has been read, it will be deleted from the notification list.
If Desktop Browser is already running, it is not launched again.
When the monitoring target folders exist in a Document Server Library or SharePoint Server Library for which no connection has been establishedor in a network library which requires authentication to access, connect to the library.
The unread/updated document list window can be dragged and moved to any point on the desktop. You can also change the size of the list window of unread/updated documents.
When you reopen an unread/updated document list window which was closed, click or right-click the main icon and select [Display List of Unread/Modified Documents].
When there are no items to be displayed, the unread/updated document list window automatically closes.

Updating the Unread/Updated Document List Window

If information is updated while you are being notified of a document, the information in the unread/updated document list window is updated.
Adding Documents
If a new unread document is added while you are being notified of a document, it is added to the top of the folder. If multiple documents have been added, they are added to the top of the folder after being sorted in ascending order.
Updating Documents
If a document in a monitored folder is updated, an icon indicating that the document has been updated is displayed and the document moves to the top of the folder.
Renaming Documents
If a document displayed in the unread/updated document list window is renamed, the name in the list is also changed, and the document moves to the top of the folder.
Deleting Documents
If a document displayed in the unread/updated document list window is deleted, it is also deleted from the list.

Marking Unread Documents as Confirmed

When the following operations are performed in the unread/updated document list window, unread/updated documents are deemed to be confirmed, and are deleted from the list. If you select a folder, all documents in that folder are deleted from the list.
Select and right-click a document/folder in the list, and select [Delete from List] from the displayed menu
When a document is confirmed in the unread/updated document list window, it is no longer highlighted in Desktop Browser.

Opening a Folder/Document from the Document Log for the Monitored Folder

Display [Log List] and then display items from a folder in the list that has unread/updated documents.
Right-click (There are unread documents.) on the task tray, and select [Monitored Folder Log].
The [Log List] window is displayed.
Click the [Document Log for Monitored Folder] tab.
Select an item from [Document List], and double-click it.
Or, follow the procedure below.
Select an item from [Document List], right-click it, and select [Open Document] or [Open Folder]
Select an item from [Document List], and press the [Enter] key on the keyboard.
Desktop Browser is started.
The following occurs if you open folders or documents from the document log.
If you double-click an item or right-click it and select [Open Folder]: Items in the folder are displayed in the File List View Pane.
If you right-click an item and select [Open Document]: The associated application is started and the selected document is displayed.
The following items are displayed in [Document List].
Displays the icons corresponding to the document extension. For updated documents, displays an icon () indicating that the documents have been updated.
[Document Name]
Displays the document name.
Displays the folder where the document is stored.
[Date Modified]
Displays the date and time when the document was created or modified.
[Modified By]
Displays the name of the user who modified the document (if using Document Server Library.)
[Date Notified]
Displays the date and time when you were notified of the document.
Clicking an item name sorts the displayed entries.
When the monitoring target folders exist in a Document Server Library or SharePoint Server Library for which no connection has been established, or in a network library which needs to be authenticated, the site or library must be connected. For more information on connecting, see the following.
You will not be notified of documents that are read on the Desktop Browser screen. For more information on highlighting, see the following.
[Document List] shows documents that you have been notified of within the past 30 days, not including the current day.
If you click [Clear List], you can delete the content of the list.
In order to save the document log in [Document Log for Monitored Folder], select [Leave document log for monitored folders] check box in the [System Settings] > [Document Monitor] > [Monitored Folder Settings].

Opening My Tray or New documents from the My Tray Documents Log

Display the My Tray document log, and then display items in My Tray.
Right-click (There are unread documents.) on the task tray, and select [Monitored Folder Log].
The [Log List] window is displayed.
Click the [Document Log for My Tray] tab.
Select an item from [My Tray Document List], and double-click it.
Or, follow the procedure below.
Select an item from [My Tray Document List], right-click it, and select [Open Document] or [Open Folder].
Select an item from [My Tray Document List], and press the [Enter] key on the keyboard.
Desktop Browser is started.
The following occurs if you open My Tray or documents from the document log.
If you double-click an item or right-click it and select [Open Folder]: Items in My Tray are displayed in the File List View Pane.
If you right-click an item and select [Open Document]: The associated application is started and the selected document is displayed.
The following items are displayed in the My Tray Documents list.
Displays the icons corresponding to the document extension.
[Document Name]
Displays the document name.
[Date Notified]
Displays the date and time when the document in My Tray was notified.
[Folder Name]
Display the folder (My Tray) where the document is stored.
Displays the comment attached when using the document circulation function.
Clicking an item name sorts the displayed entries.
The document list of My Tray shows new documents created or modified within the past 30 days not including the current day.
If you click [Clear List], you can delete the content of the list.