<Security Settings>

You can specify the settings related to the user authentication function, password, and encryption.
<Prohibit Authentication Using Department ID and PIN>
 (Settings/Registration)  <Management Settings>  <Security Settings>  <Authentication/Password Settings>  <Authentication Function Settings>
Select whether to prohibit authentication with a Department ID and PIN when operating from the printer/scanner. If <On> is selected, authentication with System Manager ID and PIN is also prohibited when operating from a device management software.
<Lockout Settings>
 (Settings/Registration)  <Management Settings>  <Security Settings>  <Authentication/Password Settings>  <Authentication Function Settings>
Select whether to block users from logging in for a specified period of time after a certain number of consecutive invalid login attempts. This setting does not apply to authentication with a Department ID or PIN, or authentication for the Mail Box.
<Prohibit Caching of Authentication Password>
 (Settings/Registration)  <Management Settings>  <Security Settings>  <Authentication/Password Settings>  <Password Settings>
Select whether to prohibit caching of a password that is entered at login.
<Display Warning When Default Password Is in Use>
 (Settings/Registration)  <Management Settings>  <Security Settings>  <Authentication/Password Settings>  <Password Settings>
Select whether to display the screen for changing the password when the Administrator logs in to the machine using the default user name and password.
<Allow Use of Default Password for Remote Access>
 (Settings/Registration)  <Management Settings>  <Security Settings>  <Authentication/Password Settings>  <Password Settings>
Select whether to allow the default password to be used when logging in from the Remote UI.
<Minimum Length Settings>
 (Settings/Registration)  <Management Settings>  <Security Settings>  <Authentication/Password Settings>  <Password Settings>
You can set the minimum number of characters required when registering a password to prevent the simplification of passwords. When a password length is set, a user cannot be registered with a blank password.
<Validity Period Settings>
 (Settings/Registration)  <Management Settings>  <Security Settings>  <Authentication/Password Settings>  <Password Settings>
You can set a password expiration period to force users to periodically change their password, in order to prevent the simplification of passwords.
<Prohibit Use of 3 or More Identical Consecutive Char.>
 (Settings/Registration)  <Management Settings>  <Security Settings>  <Authentication/Password Settings>  <Password Settings>
You can restrict passwords so that the same character cannot be used consecutively three or more times.
<Use at Least 1 Uppercase Character>
 (Settings/Registration)  <Management Settings>  <Security Settings>  <Authentication/Password Settings>  <Password Settings>
You can restrict passwords so that only passwords which include at least one uppercase character can be registered.
<Use at Least 1 Lowercase Character>
 (Settings/Registration)  <Management Settings>  <Security Settings>  <Authentication/Password Settings>  <Password Settings>
You can restrict passwords so that only passwords which include at least one lowercase character can be registered.
<Use at Least 1 Digit>
 (Settings/Registration)  <Management Settings>  <Security Settings>  <Authentication/Password Settings>  <Password Settings>
You can restrict passwords so that only passwords which include at least one number can be registered.
<Use at Least 1 Symbol>
 (Settings/Registration)  <Management Settings>  <Security Settings>  <Authentication/Password Settings>  <Password Settings>
You can restrict passwords so that only passwords which include at least one symbol can be registered.
<Prohibit Use of Weak Encryption>
 (Settings/Registration)  <Management Settings>  <Security Settings>  <Encryption Settings>
Select whether to restrict the use of weak encryption, or a key and certificate with weak encryption. Management Functions
<Format Encryption Method to FIPS 140-2>
 (Settings/Registration)  <Management Settings>  <Security Settings>  <Encryption Settings>
Specify whether to make the function using encryption comply with FIPS 140-2.
<Verify System at Startup>
 (Settings/Registration)  <Management Settings>  <Security Settings>  <System Verification Settings>
You can set the machine to verify the integrity of the firmware, system, and MEAP applications in the machine during startup.
<McAfee Embedded Control>
 (Settings/Registration)  <Management Settings>  <Security Settings>  <System Verification Settings>
When the machine is operating, the McAfee Embedded Control function is used to prevent unauthorized program modification and the execution of unauthorized programs, for improved system reliability.

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USRMA-3735-042019-12Copyright CANON INC. 2019