You can check the security policy items and their usage from Remote UI on the [Confirm Security Policy] screen. The content set on another device or software is applied to the security policy for the machine. Therefore, there may be function items in the security policy that are not available on the machine, but these do not affect the settings or operation of the machine.
[Prohibit Cleartext Authentication for Server Functions] You can limit verification information to secure methods only. When you are using the machine as a server, cleartext authentication and functions using cleartext authentication are not available. [Dedicated Port Auth. Method] * If you are using an older version of the device management software or driver, you may not be able to connect to the machine. Use an updated version.
[Prohibit Use of SNMPv1] You can prohibit use of SNMPv1 when obtaining device information from a computer. [SNMP Settings]
[Port Usage Policy] You can close unused ports to prevent external intrusion.
[Restrict LPD Port (Port Number: 515)] You can prohibit printing using the LPD protocol. [LPD Settings]
[Restrict RAW Port (Port Number: 9100)] You can prohibit printing using the RAW protocol. [RAW Settings]
[Restrict FTP Port (Port Number: 21)] As this function is not available on the machine, it is not applied to the security policy.
[Restrict WSD Port (Port Number: 3702, 60000)] You can prohibit the use of functions using the WSD protocol. [WSD Settings]
[Restrict BMLinkS Port (Port Number: 1900)] As this function is not available on the machine, it is not applied to the security policy.
[Restrict IPP Port (Port Number: 631)] You can disable certain print functions that use mobile apps and prohibit related printing. Linking with Mobile Devices
[Restrict SMB Port (Port Number: 137, 138, 139, 445)] As this function is not available on the machine, it is not applied to the security policy.
[Restrict SMTP Port (Port Number: 25)] As this function is not available on the machine, it is not applied to the security policy.
[Restrict Dedicated Port (Port Number: 9002, 9006, 9007, 9011-9015, 9017-9019, 9022, 9023, 9025, 20317, 47545-47547)] You can prohibit the use of dedicated ports. [Use Dedicated Port]
[Restrict Remote Operator's Software Port (Port Number: 5900)] As this function is not available on the machine, it is not applied to the security policy.
[Restrict SIP (IP Fax) Port (Port Number: 5004, 5005, 5060, 5061, 49152)] As this function is not available on the machine, it is not applied to the security policy.
[Restrict mDNS Port (Port Number: 5353)] You can disable mDNS settings (IPv4/IPv6) and certain print functions that use a mobile app. This disables network discovery and automatic settings using mDNS as well as related printing. [mDNS Settings] Linking with Mobile Devices
[Restrict SLP Port (Port Number: 427)] You can disable response to discovery in Multicast Discovery Settings as well as network discovery and automatic settings using SLP. Configuring SLP Communication
[Restrict SNMP Port (Port Number: 161)] You can prohibit the use of functions using the SNMP protocol. This prohibits the machine from obtaining device information from a computer using SNMP and configuring related settings. [SNMP Settings] [Scan w/Canon PRINT Business]
[Authentication Operational Policy] As this function is not available on the machine, it is not applied to the security policy.
[Prohibit Guest Users to Use Device]
[Force Setting of Auto Logout]
[Password Operational Policy] As this function is not available on the machine, it is not applied to the security policy.
[Prohibit Caching of Password for External Servers]
[Display Warning When Default Password Is in Use]
[Prohibit Use of Default Password for Remote Access]
[Password Settings Policy] As this function is not available on the machine, it is not applied to the security policy.
[Minimum Number of Characters for Password]
[Password Validity Period]
[Prohibit Use of 3 or More Identical Consecutive Characters]
[Force Use of at Least 1 Uppercase Character]
[Force Use of at Least 1 Lowercase Character]
[Force Use of at Least 1 Digit]
[Force Use of at Least 1 Symbol]
[Lockout Policy] You can prohibit login for a while when the wrong password is entered a certain number of times in a row.
[Enable Lockout] This enables Lockout. Set the Lockout threshold and Lockout period separately on the machine. [Lockout]
By preventing weak encryption and encrypting user passwords and keys within a certain hardware, you can protect sensitive data.
[Prohibit Use of Weak Encryption] You can prohibit the use of weak encryption. [Encryption Settings]
[Prohibit Use of Key/Certificate with Weak Encryption] You can prohibit the use of keys and certificates with weak encryption.
[Use TPM to Store Password and Key] As this function is not available on the machine, it is not applied to the security policy.
As this function is not available on the machine, it is not applied to the security policy.
[Force Recording of Audit Log]
[Force SNTP Settings]
[Printing Policy] As this function is not available on the machine, it is not applied to the security policy.
[Prohibit Immediate Printing of Received Jobs]
[Sending/Receiving Policy] You can restrict the use of destinations when sending and the processing methods of received data.
[Allow Sending Only to Registered Addresses] You can prevent users from specifying new destinations. Users can only send data to destinations registered in the Address Book. [Restrict New Destinations]
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