Customized Initial Driver Value Settings File
This section explains the driver settings that you can customize the initial values for. Create a customized settings file (InitSettings.ini) according to the file format and syntax described here.
Format of Customized Settings File
File name: InitSettings.ini
File format: UTF-8 (without BOM) text file
[InitSettings] CustomFAXUseDeviceInfo={ON|OFF} CustomFAXSender=<Sender Name> CustomFAXOptionBoard={NONE|PSTN2|PSTN2_3|PSTN3_4} CustomFAXSubAdrsAuth={Mode1|Mode2} CustomFAXDeptIDAuth={Mode1|Mode2} CustomFAXHostSpooling={ON|OFF} CustomFAXIntranet={ON|OFF} CustomFAXVoIPGateway={ON|OFF} CustomFAXSetTimeToSend={ON|OFF} CustomFAXEmailNotify={ON|OFF} CustomFAXEmailNotifyMode={ALWAYS|ERRONLY|BOTH} CustomFAX2000Destinaton={ON|OFF} CustomFAXUTF8={ON|OFF} CustomFAXUseSubAdrs={ON|OFF} CustomFAXConfirmationMsg={ON|OFF} CustomFAXNotAllowManualEntry={ON|OFF} CustomFAXSendImageStore={ON|OFF} CustomFAXSelectLine={Auto|Line1|Line2|Line3|Line4} CustomFAXAddPrefix={ON|OFF} CustomFAXAddPrefixG3G4=<Outside Dialing Prefix> CustomFAXAddPrefixIntranet=<Outside Dialing Prefix> CustomFAXAddPrefixVoIPGateway=<Outside Dialing Prefix> CustomFAXSetSendingTime={ON|OFF} CustomFAXSendingTime=<Sending Time (Hour)>:<Sending Time (Minute)> CustomFAXTransMode={FINE|ULTRAFINE} |
The section. Specify this before the items to specify.
{ }
Exclusive values to specify are indicated separated by a separator character (|). Specify any one of the values.
Underlined values such as {ON|OFF} are default values.
< >
Specify a numeric value or string.
Values to Specify
This section explains the values that can be specified for the items.
For items with a value other than the values indicated here, the customization is ignored and the default value of the driver is reflected.
[Device Settings] Sheet
CustomFAXUseDeviceInfo (Retrieve Device Information)
Specify which settings to reflect when the results of retrieving device information do not match the specified customized settings.
ON: When the retrieved device information does not match the customized settings, reflect the retrieved device information as the initial values.
OFF: When the retrieved device information does not match the customized settings, reflect the values specified in the customized settings file as the initial values.
CustomFAXSender (Sender)
Specify the sender name to be displayed in the header of the fax.
You can specify up to 24 ASCII characters for <Sender Name>.
If you exceed the maximum length or include invalid characters, the item will be ignored.
CustomFAXOptionBoard (Fax Board Options)
Specify the fax board installed in the device.
NONE: None
PSTN2: Canon Super G3 Fax Board (2 Lines)
PSTN2_3: Canon Super G3 Fax Board (3 Lines)
PSTN3_4: Canon Super G3 Fax Board (4 Lines)
CustomFAXSubAdrsAuth (Subaddress Authentication)
Specify the subaddress authentication mode.
Mode1: Issue the regular dial attributes.
Mode2: Issue the new dial attributes with enhanced security.
CustomFAXDeptIDAuth (Department ID Management Authentication)
Specify the department ID management authentication mode.
Mode1: No authentication
Mode2: New authentication method with enhanced security
CustomFAXHostSpooling (Spooling at Host)
Specify whether to process the data on the host (computer) or the device.
ON: Perform spooling on the host (computer).
OFF: Perform spooling on the device.
IP Fax Communication Mode Settings
Enables you to specify the communication mode that can be used with the device. For information about IP fax connection environments, refer to the manual for the device.
ON: The specified communication mode can be used.
OFF: The specified communication mode cannot be used.
CustomFAXIntranet (Intranet)
CustomFAXVoIPGateway (VoIP Gateway)
CustomFAXSetTimeToSend (Set the Time to Send)
Specify the fax transmission time in [Select Destination] or [Enter Destination] sheet > [Detailed Settings], or CustomFAXSetSendingTime.
ON: Enable the function for specifying the fax transmission time.
OFF: Disable the function for specifying the fax transmission time.
CustomFAXEmailNotify([Job Done Notice] Setting)
Enables notification of fax transmission results to be sent to a specified email address.
ON: Enable the job complete notification function.
OFF: Disable the job complete notification function.
CustomFAXEmailNotifyMode([Job Done Notice] Setting)
Specify the notification frequency when the job complete notification function is enabled.
ALWAYS: Enable [Notify for All Results]
ERRONLY: Enable [Only Notify for Errors]
BOTH: Enable All
CustomFAX2000Destinaton (Set the number of destinations that can be specified at once to 2000)
Expands the maximum number of destinations that can be specified at one time to 2,000.
ON: Up to 2,000 destinations.
OFF: Up to 500 destinations.
CustomFAXUTF8 (Use Unicode (UTF-8) for Communication with Device)
Transmits and receives internal information (CPCA attribute strings) such as user information to and from the device in Unicode (UTF-8).
ON: Use UTF-8 as the encoding and character set.
OFF: Use ANSI as the encoding and an ANSI related character set.
[Device Settings] Sheet [Detailed Settings] Dialog Box
CustomFAXUseSubAdrs (Use Subaddress)
Uses the subaddress function. If the subaddress function is enabled, the data to be sent is sent to the memory box of the destination.
ON: Enable the subaddress function.
OFF: Disable the subaddress function.
CustomFAXConfirmationMsg (Display confirmation message when sending)
Displays a confirmation message before sending faxes.
ON: Display a confirmation message.
OFF: Do not display a confirmation message.
CustomFAXNotAllowManualEntry (Do not allow manual destination entry)
Prevents new destinations from being entered manually.
ON: Do not allow new destinations to be registered via manual entry.
OFF: Allow new destinations to be registered via manual entry.
[Select Destination] Sheet
CustomFAXSendImageStore (Store Sent Fax Information and Image)
Saves the transmitted document name, transmission time, etc. as a transmission image.
ON: Save transmission images containing information such as the document name, destination, date/time, and images of the transmission job.
OFF: Do not save transmission images.
[Select Destination] Sheet [Detailed Settings] Dialog Box
CustomFAXSelectLine (Select G3 Line)
Specify the line to be used for fax transmission.
The settings for this item may differ according to the setting in [Device Settings] sheet > [Fax Board Options] or the CustomFAXOptionBoard setting.
CustomFAXAddPrefix (Add Outside Dialing Prefix to G3/IP Fax Number)
Specify an outside dialing prefix to be assigned to the fax number for each communication mode.
ON: Enable the outside dialing prefix setting.
OFF: Disable the outside dialing prefix setting.
Outside Dialing Prefix (Add Outside Dialing Prefix to G3/IP Fax Number)
When the outside dialing prefix setting is enabled, specify the outside dialing prefix for each communication mode.
The outside dialing prefix for G3 environments
The outside dialing prefix for environments with IP fax (Intranet) as the communication mode
The outside dialing prefix for environments with IP fax (VoIP Gateway) as the communication mode
You can specify up to five ASCII characters (excluding spaces and hyphens) for <Outside Dialing Prefix>.
If you specify more than five characters or include invalid characters, the item will be ignored.
CustomFAXSetSendingTime (Set the Time to Send)
Sends a fax at the specified time. The data to be sent is temporarily saved in the device, then sent at the specified time.
ON: Use the function for specifying the sending time.
OFF: Do not use the function for specifying the sending time.
To specify this item, [Device Settings] sheet > [Set the Time to Send] or CustomFAXSetTimeToSend needs to be enabled.
CustomFAXSendingTime (Sending Time)
When the function for specifying the sending time is enabled, specifies the time for sending the fax in the following format.
<Sending Time (Hour)>:<Sending Time (Minute)>
<Sending Time (Hour)>: 00 to 23
":": Single-byte character
<Sending Time (Minute)>: 00 to 59
Specify <Sending Time (Hour)> and <Sending Time (Minute)> using two digits or less. The leading zero may be omitted.
If you do not follow the format or include invalid characters, the item will be ignored.
[Special] Sheet
CustomFAXTransMode (Resolution)
Specify a resolution when transmitting a fax.
Click [Restore Defaults] on the fax transmission settings screen to return to the resolution specified in CustomFAXTransMode.