[Prohibit Use of Direct Connection] | <Use Direct Connection> is set to <Off>. It is not possible to access the machine from mobile devices. | |
[Prohibit Use of Wireless LAN] | <Select Wired/Wireless LAN> is set to <Wired LAN>. It is not possible to establish a wireless connection with the machine via a wireless LAN router or access point. |
[Prohibit Use as USB Device] | <Use as USB Device> is set to <Off>. It is not possible to connect to a computer via USB. | |
[Prohibit Use as USB Storage Device] | <Use USB Storage Device> is set to <Off>. It is not possible to use USB memory devices. |
[Always Verify Signatures for SMS/WebDAV Server Functions] | This function is not available on this machine, giving no change to the security level. | |
[Always Verify Server Certificate When Using TLS] | The following settings in [Use TLS for POP] are set to [On]. [Verify Certificate] [Add CN to Verification Items] The following settings in [Use Google Cloud Print] are set to [On]. [Verify Server Certificate] [Add CN to Verification Items] | |
[Prohibit Cleartext Authentication for Server Functions] | <Dedicated Port Auth. Method>/<Dedicated Port Authentication Method> is set to <Mode 2>. When using the machine as a server, plain text authentication and functions that use plain text authentication are not available. | |
[Prohibit Use of SNMPv1] | In <SNMP Settings>, <SNMPv1 Settings> is set to <Off>. It is not possible to use SNMPv1 when obtaining device information from the computer. |
This setting does not apply to communication with IEEE 802.1X networks, even if [Always Verify Server Certificate When Using TLS] is set to [On]. If [Prohibit Cleartext Authentication for Server Functions] is set to [On] and your device management software or driver version is old, it may not be possible to connect to the machine. Ensure that you are using the latest versions. |
[Restrict LPD Port (Port Number: 515)] | In <LPD Settings>, <Use LPD Printing>/<LPD Print Settings> is set to <Off>. It is not possible to perform LPD printing. | |
[Restrict RAW Port (Port Number: 9100)] | In <RAW Settings>, <Use RAW Printing>/<RAW Print Settings> is set to <Off>. It is not possible to perform RAW printing. | |
[Restrict FTP Port (Port Number: 21)] | This function is not available on this machine, giving no change to the security level. | |
[Restrict WSD Port (Port Number: 3702, 60000)] | The following settings in <WSD Settings> are set to <Off>. It is not possible to use WSD functions. <Use WSD Printing> <Use WSD Browsing> <Use Multicast Discovery> | |
[Restrict BMLinkS Port (Port Number: 1900)] | This function is not available on this machine, giving no change to the security level. | |
[Restrict IPP Port (Port Number: 631)] | Part of the settings to enable printing from mobile devices using applications will be turned <Off>, disabling part of printing from mobile devices using applications. | |
[Restrict SMB Port (Port Number: 137, 138, 139, 445)] | This function is not available on this machine, giving no change to the security level. | |
[Restrict SMTP Port (Port Number: 25)] | This function is not available on this machine, giving no change to the security level. | |
[Restrict Dedicated Port (Port Number: 9002, 9006, 9007, 9011-9015, 9017-9019, 9022, 9023, 9025, 20317, 47545-47547)] | <Use Dedicated Port>/<Dedicated Port Settings> is set to <Off>. It is not possible to use dedicated ports. | |
[Restrict Remote Operator's Software Port (Port Number: 5900)] | This function is not available on this machine, giving no change to the security level. | |
[Restrict SIP (IP Fax) Port (Port Number: 5004, 5005, 5060, 5061, 49152)] | This function is not available on this machine, giving no change to the security level. | |
[Restrict mDNS Port (Port Number: 5353)] | The following settings will be turned <Off>, and part of the settings to enable printing from mobile devices using applications will also be turned <Off>. It will be disabled to search the network or perform automatic settings using mDNS. In addition, part of printing from mobile devices using applications will be disabled as well. <mDNS Settings> (IPv4) <mDNS Settings> (IPv6) [Use Google Cloud Print] [Local Print] | |
[Restrict SLP Port (Port Number: 427)] | In [Multicast Discovery Settings], [Discovery Response] is set to [Off]. It is not possible to search the network or perform automatic settings using SLP. | |
[Restrict SNMP Port (Port Number: 161)] | In <SNMP Settings>, the <SNMPv1 Settings> and <SNMPv3 Settings> are set to <Off>. It is not possible to obtain device information from the computer or configure settings using SNMP. |
[Prohibit Guest Users to Use Device] | This function is not available on this machine, giving no change to the security level. | |
[Force Setting of Auto Logout] | This function is not available on this machine, giving no change to the security level. |
[Prohibit Caching of Password for External Servers] | This function is not available on this machine, giving no change to the security level. | |
[Display Warning When Default Password Is in Use] | This function is not available on this machine, giving no change to the security level. | |
[Prohibit Use of Default Password for Remote Access] | This function is not available on this machine, giving no change to the security level. |
[Minimum Number of Characters for Password] | This function is not available on this machine, giving no change to the security level. | |
[Password Validity Period] | This function is not available on this machine, giving no change to the security level. | |
[Prohibit Use of 3 or More Identical Consecutive Characters] | This function is not available on this machine, giving no change to the security level. | |
[Force Use of at Least 1 Uppercase Character] | This function is not available on this machine, giving no change to the security level. | |
[Force Use of at Least 1 Lowercase Character] | This function is not available on this machine, giving no change to the security level. | |
[Force Use of at Least 1 Digit] | This function is not available on this machine, giving no change to the security level. | |
[Force Use of at Least 1 Symbol] | This function is not available on this machine, giving no change to the security level. |
[Enable Lockout] | In <Lockout>/<Lockout Settings>, <Enable Lockout> is set to <On>. Specify the values for <Lockout Threshold> and <Lockout Period>. |
[Prohibit Use of Weak Encryption] | <Prohibit Use of Weak Encrypt.>/<Prohibit Use of Weak Encryption> is set to <On>. It is not possible to use weak encryption. | |
[Prohibit Use of Key/Certificate with Weak Encryption] | In <Prohibit Use of Weak Encrypt.>/<Prohibit Use of Weak Encryption>, <Prohibit Weak Encryp. Key/Cert.>/<Prohibit Key/Cert. with Weak Encryption> is set to <On>. It is not possible to use a key or certificate with weak encryption. | |
[Use TPM to Store Password and Key] | This function is not available on this machine, giving no change to the security level. |
[Force Recording of Audit Log] | This function is not available on this machine, giving no change to the security level. | |
[Force SNTP Settings] | This function is not available on this machine, giving no change to the security level. |
[Prohibit Immediate Printing of Received Jobs] | This function is not available on this machine, giving no change to the security level. |
[Allow Sending Only to Registered Addresses] | This function is not available on this machine, giving no change to the security level. | |
[Force Confirmation of Fax Number] | This function is not available on this machine, giving no change to the security level. | |
[Prohibit Auto Forwarding] | This function is not available on this machine, giving no change to the security level. |
[Force Complete Deletion of Data] | This function is not available on this machine, giving no change to the security level. |
The security policy settings can only be imported if the security policy setting password on the exporting machine matches that of the importing machine, or if no password has been set for the importing machine. If no password has been set for the importing machine, the password configured for the exporting machine is set to the importing machine. You cannot set or change the security policy on this machine. |