Printing Reports and Lists

You can print reports and lists to check information such as the total number of copied pages, communication results, and machine settings.

Printing a Report on the Number of Copied and Printed Pages

Counter Report
You can print a report to check the total number of all copied, printed, and scanned pages.
Page Count List
You can print a list to check the total number of pages* that were copied, printed, and scanned for each Department ID. To print this list, you need to log in with administrator privileges. Logging into the Machine
* In this report, the numbers are based on copied or printed sides of the page. For example, the count is 1 if you print on one side of a page, and the count is 2 if you print on both sides of the page.

Printing a List of Usage History

When you press  (Status Monitor), the Status Monitor screen is displayed, allowing you to check the usage history for each function, such as copying, printing, sending e-mail, sending/receiving I-faxes, etc. From this screen, you can also print the usage history for each function.
If "NG" appears in the "RESULT" column in the printed list, check the three-digit number preceded by "#" to find the reason and solutions.
If  (Settings/Registration)  <Management Settings> <Device Management> <Restrict Access to Other User Jobs> is set to <On>, jobs other than those of the logged-in user are displayed as "***" and cannot be operated. If you log in with administrator privileges, the jobs of all users are displayed.
Press  (Status Monitor).
Display the usage history of each function and print a list.
Copy/print log
Sending/receiving log

Outputting a Communication Result Report

You can print a list of results for sending/receiving e-mail, or I-fax, and results for storing items in the file server or Mail Box (machine's temporary storage space). A report is set to be printed automatically or printed only when an error occurs. However, you can change the setting to print only at a specified time or not to print at all. In addition, you can send the report to a specified destination as a CSV file.
If "NG" appears in the "RESULT" column in the printed list, check the three-digit number preceded by "#"to find the reason and solutions.
If  (Settings/Registration)  <Management Settings> <Device Management> <Restrict Access to Other User Jobs> is set to <On>, jobs other than those of the logged-in user are displayed as "***" and cannot be operated. If you log in with administrator privileges, the jobs of all users are displayed.
Communication Management Report
You can configure the machine to automatically print the report or send it as a CSV file to destinations registered in the Address Book when the specified number of communication results, including sent or received e-mails, and I-faxes, as well as items saved in the file server or Mail Box (machine's temporary storage space), is reached. You can also configure the machine to print the report or send it as a CSV file at a specified time.
TX Report
You can configure the machine to automatically print the report for sending results, including sent e-mails, and I-faxes, as well as items saved in the file server or Mail Box (machine's temporary storage space). You can also configure the setting to print the report only when an error occurs. You are required to log in with administrator privileges to print this report.
Device Information Communication Log Report
You can configure the machine to automatically print the report when the specified number of results for device information distribution or reception is reached. You can also configure the setting to print the report at a specified time. You are required to log in with administrator privileges to change the report setting.

Printing a List of Settings

Information and settings registered in the machine such as registered destinations, send/receive settings, forwarding conditions, files in a Mail Box, etc. can be printed as a list.
Address Lists
You can print a list of destinations registered in the Address Book or in one-touch buttons.
TX/RX User Data List
You can print a list of the settings configured for <Send> and <Receive/Forward> under Settings/Registration.
Forwarding Settings
You can print a list of the settings configured for I-fax forwarding by using <Receive/Forward> under Settings/Registration. You are required to log in with administrator privileges to print this list.
Mail Box File List
You can print a list of temporarily saved files in a Mail Box on the machine.
Network Setting List
You can print a list of the settings configured for <Network> in <Preferences> under Settings/Registration.
System Information list
You can print a list of information such as MEAP applications and licenses. You are required to log in with administrator privileges to print this list.
Device Information Distribution Destination List
You can print a list of devices registered as information distribution destinations. You are required to log in with administrator privileges to print this list.
LDAP Server Registration List
You can print a list of LDAP server settings registered in the machine. You are required to log in with administrator privileges to print this list.