Entering Characters
Enter alphanumeric characters using the numeric keys on the control panel.
imageRUNNER 2224N
You can enter letters, numbers, and symbols using the control panel.
The type of characters that you can enter may be limited depending on the item.
If the value input range is limited, the value that you can enter is displayed in parentheses ( ) next to the input field.
Changing the Character Type
Press [A/a/12] to switch the type of character that is entered. The currently selected type of character is indicated by the "A", "a", or "12" displayed above and to the right of the text input field.
You can also press
to switch the type of character.
You cannot change the character type for items whose character type is limited.
Entering Characters and Spaces
You can enter characters and symbols by using the numeric keys and by pressing keys displayed on the control panel. The keys to enter characters and the characters you can enter are the following.
When you place a cursor after a character and press
, a space is entered.
When the Enter Mode is set to [a] or [A], a symbol can be entered by pressing
or pressing [#].
Key | A | a | 12 |
| @ . - _ / | 1 |
| ABC | abc | 2 |
| DEF | def | 3 |
| GHI | ghi | 4 |
| JKL | jkl | 5 |
| MNO | mno | 6 |
| PQRS | pqrs | 7 |
| TUV | tuv | 8 |
| WXYZ | wxyz | 9 |
| (Not available) | 0 |
| (space) - . * # ! " , ; : ^ ` _ = / | ' ? $ @ % & + \ ~ ( ) [ ] { } < > | (Not available) |
Deleting Characters
to delete one character.
Press and hold
to continuously delete characters.
Moving the Cursor
Press [
] or [
Entering Numbers
Entering Numbers Using the Numeric Keys.
When [+] and [-] or a slider appears instead of numeric keys, press or drag these to set the value. Set the value |
imageRUNNER 2224
Entering Numbers
Entering Numbers Using the Numeric Keys.