The manuals below are provided with the machine. Use these according to your purpose. Click on the icon to display the corresponding manual (PDF).
Important Safety Instructions
This contains required information to prevent injury and accidental damage to property.
Setup Guide
This explains the process from unpacking the machine to setting it up so that it is ready to use.
User's Guide (this manual)
This describes all the functions of the machine in detail. It also contains the specifications and describes how to maintain the machine. The User's Guide is displayed in a Web browser. Using the User's Guide
Send Setting Guide
This describes the preparations and settings for sending scanned data by e-mail and saving it to a shared folder. The Send Setting Guide is provided on the supplied CD/DVD-ROM.
* You can also display the Send Setting Guide at startup when using the downloaded Send Function Setting Tool.
For details about the drivers, software, and manual of the Application Library, see the online manual site.
For details on the Application Library, see the following manual. Application Library
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