[Setup] Menu ([Network] Options)

Table description
After changing the settings for this item, cycle the power of the printer or perform a hard reset to make the settings effective.
This item is displayed only when all the following conditions are met.
[Network] in [Interface Selection] is set to [On].
Bold values in the table indicate the default settings.
The setting items or setting values with "*" may not be displayed depending on your printer model or
 the availability of the optional accessories and other settings.
Setting Item
Setting Value
[TCP/IP Settings]
Specifies the TCP/IP setting for the print server equipped with this printer.
[IPv4 Settings]
[IPv4]: [Off], [On]
When using IPv4, set it to [On].
[IP Mode]: [Auto], [Manual]
Select the method for setting the IP address.
When setting the IP address using any one of DHCP, BOOTP, or RARP, select [Auto].
When specifying the IP address to the printer directly, select [Manual].
[Use DHCP]: [Off], [On]
[Use BOOTP]: [Off], [On]
[Use RARP]: [Off], [On]
If you set [IP Mode] to [Auto], select which protocol you want to use. Set each of [Use DHCP], [Use BOOTP], and [Use RARP] to [On] (use) or [Off] (do not use).
[IP Address Settings]:
[IP Address]:
[Subnet Mask]:
[Gateway Address]:
Specify [IP Address], [Subnet Mask], and [Gateway Address]. For the method for entering the addresses, see "Method for entering addresses" below the table.
[Primary Address]:
[Secondary Address]:
Specify [Primary Address] and [Secondary Address] for DNS.
For the method for entering the addresses, see "Method for entering addresses" below the table.
Specify the settings for [Host Name], [Domain Name], and [DNS Dynamic Update] from the Remote UI.
[DHCP Option]:
[Acquire Host Name]: [Off], [On]
[DNS Dynamic Update]: [Off], [On]
Set DHCP options when [IP Mode] is set to [Manual] and [Use DHCP] is set to [On].
When obtaining the host name using DHCP, set [Acquire Host Name] to [On].
When updating the host name using DHCP, set [DNS Dynamic Update] to [On].
[IPv6 Settings]
[IPv6]: [Off], [On]
If you want to use IP v. 6, specify [On].
Specify the setting for IP v. 6 from the Remote UI.
[WINS Resolution]
[Off], [On]
If you want to use WINS Resolution, specify [On].
Specify the following settings from the Remote UI.
[WINS Server Address]
[Scope ID]
[SMB Server Name]
[SMB Workgroup Name]
[Off], [On]
When it is set to [On], you can change the IP address settings from the client using ARP/PING commands.
[FTP Print]: [Off], [On]
[FTP Settings]: [Off], [On]
When it is set to [On], you can access the printer's FTP server using the FTP client and print the files.
If you want to perform the settings using FTP Client, set [FTP Settings] to [On].
Specify the settings for [FTP Print User Name] and [Password] from the Remote UI.
[LPD Settings]
[LPD Print Settings]: [Off], [On]
[RX Timeout]: 1 to 60 minute
If you want to use LPD Print, specify [On].
Set the time delay until a job is automatically ended when print data cannot be received due to a communication error, etc.
Specify the setting for [Print LPD Banner Page] from the Remote UI.
[RAW Settings]
[RAW Print Settings]:
[Off], [On]
[RX Timeout]: 1 to 60 minute
If you want to use RAW Print, specify [On].
Set the time delay until a job is automatically ended when print data cannot be received due to a communication error, etc.
Specify the setting for [Use Bidirectional Communication] from the Remote UI.
[IPP Print]
[Off], [On]
If you want to use IPP Print, specify [On].
Specify the settings for [IPP Authentication], [User Name], and [Password] from the Remote UI.
[WSD Print]: [Off], [On]
[WSD Browsing]*: [Off], [On]
[Multicast Discovery]: [Off], [On]
If you want to use WSD Print, set [WSD Print] to [On], and then specify the following settings.
If you want to obtain printer information using WSD, set [WSD Browsing] to [On]. If you set [WSD Print] to [On], [WSD Browsing] is not displayed. ([WSD Browsing] is fixed at [On].)
If you want to set the printer to respond to requests from multicast discovery, set [Multicast Discovery] to [On].
[Off], [On]
When it is set to [On], you will be able to access the printer using HTTP.
When this is set to [Off], the message appears, disallowing you to use the Remote UI or perform IPP printing.
[Proxy Settings]
[Proxy]: [Off], [On]
If you want to use the proxy function, specify [On].
[Server Address]*: -
Enter the proxy server address to be used for the proxy function.
[Port Number]*: 0 to 80 to 99999
Enter the port number of the proxy server to be used for the proxy function. You can specify between 0 and 99999.
[Same Domain]*: [Use Proxy], [Do Not Use Proxy]
If you want to use the proxy function also for the same domain, specify [Use Proxy].
[Proxy Authentication]*: [Off], [On]
If you want to use the proxy authentication function, specify [On].
[User Name]*: -
Enter the user name to be used for the proxy authentication. Up to 24 alphanumeric characters can be entered.
[Password]*: -
Enter the password to be used for the proxy authentication. Up to 24 alphanumeric characters can be entered.
[Off], [On]
When obtaining time using the SNTP Client function, specify [On].
Specify the settings for [NTP Server Name] and [Polling Interval] from the Remote UI.
[Discovery Response]
[Off], [On]
If you want to set the printer so that it responds to searches that used the multicast discovery function, specify [On].
Specify the setting for [Scope Name] from the Remote UI.
[Off], [On]
When using the IPSec function, set it to [On].
[Sleep Notif. Set.]
[Sleep Mode Notif.]: [Off], [On]
Specify whether to notify Canon software (iW Series) about the printer's power status (sleep status).
Notification about the power status is made with SLP (Service Location Protocol).
[Port Number]*: 1 to 11427 to 65535
Enter the port number used for SLP communication with Canon software (iW Series).
[Routers to Traverse]*: 0 to 3 to 254
Specify the maximum number of routers through which SLP packets can pass in a range from 0 to 254.
[Notif. Interval]*: 60 to 600 to 65535
Enter the interval in seconds at which to notify software about the printer's power status in a range from 60 to 65535 (seconds).
[SMB Server]: [Off], [On]
[SMB Print]: [Off], [On]
Specifies whether the printer should use SMB.
[SNMP Settings]
Specify the settings related to SNMP protocol.
[SNMP v. 1 Settings]
Specify the settings related to SNMP v. 1 protocol.
[SNMP v. 1]
[Off], [On]
Specify whether to use the SNMP v. 1 protocol.
[Dctd. Community Set.]
[Dctd. Community]:
[Off], [Read/Write], [Read Only]
[Dctd. Community] specifies whether to permit accessing to the Management Information Base (MIB) that SNMP manages using the name of dedicated community for Canon equipment.
To use Canon utility software, it may be necessary to select [Read/Write].
[SNMP v. 3 Settings]
[SNMP v. 3]: [Off], [On]
[User Settings 1] to [User Settings 5]*:
[Auth. Password]
[Encryption Password]
Specify the settings related to SNMP v. 3 protocol.
[Rjct Packet in Sleep]
[Off], [On]
Specifies whether to discard the SNMP packets received while in sleep mode.
If you set this item to [On], you may be unable to access the printer from Canon software (iW Series) or applications using the SNMP protocol.
[Off], [On]
When using the spooling function, set it to [On].
[Receive in Parallel]
[Off], [On]
Specifies whether to optimize the print order when multiple print jobs are sent to the printer. If [Off] is specified, print jobs are printed in the order of the jobs received by the printer, although print speed may drop.
Even if [Off] is specified, print jobs may not be registered in the received order under certain circumstances, for example, when print jobs are sent to the printer while performing a stored job print.
[Network Delay Time]
0 to 300 seconds
Specifies the time interval from when the printer is turned ON to when the protocol starts.
[Remote UI Settings]
[Remote UI]: [Off], [On]
[RUI Access Sec. Set.]: [Off], [On]
[Remote UI Access PIN]:
[TLS]*: [Off], [On]*
Specifies whether the printer should use the Remote UI.
Also, specifies whether to use TLS for communication by the Remote UI, and whether to use access protection for the Remote UI.
[Ethernet Driver]
[Auto Detect]: [Off], [On]
[Communication Mode]*: [Half Duplex], [Full Duplex]
[Ethernet Type]*: [10 Base-T], [100 Base-TX], [1000 Base-T]
Configures the Ethernet driver.
[Sleep Mode Priority]
[Exit Speed], [Energy Saving]
Specifies whether to give priority to recovering fast from Sleep Mode or to saving energy during Sleep Mode.
This setting is only effective when [Sleep Mode] is set to [Deep Sleep].
[Off], [On]
When using the IEEE802.1X function, set it to [On].
[Address Filter]
When using the address filter function, set it to [On].
[MAC Address]
(Display only)
Displays the MAC address of the printer.
[E-Mail Print Set.]
[POP3 RX Interval]: 0 to 90 (minutes)
[POP3 RX]: [Off], [On]
[SMTP RX]: [Off], [On]
Set e-mail print.
When [POP3 RX Interval] is changed from 0 minute, POP3 reception immediately after the setting has been changed is performed at a specified interval plus approximately five seconds. From the second time onwards, POP3 reception is performed at a specified interval.
 [Monitoring Service]
[Comm. Test]
Enable communication with a remote monitoring server. Execution of this item enables information about the machine to be periodically sent to the remote monitoring server connected to the machine.
[Comm. Log]
Display communication logs including error information generated with [Comm. Test].
[Init. Network Set.]
By the initialization in this item, you can reset the network settings to the default settings.
Method for entering addresses
Move the cursor to each field (an area separated by periods to enter three-digit numbers) in which you want to enter the address, by pressing [ ] or [  ]. (The number in the field blinks, allowing you to enter a value.)
Enter the numbers. ([ ] increases the value and [  ] decreases the value.)
After entering values in all the fields, press [OK] to confirm the settings.