Checking the Printer Settings and Consumables
You can check the printer status, network settings, and so on by printing Configuration Page or Network Status Print. Also, print out a Consumables Status Print or Cartridge Log Print to check the amounts of toner remaining, times that cartridges were used, etc.
| Configuration Page, Network Status Print or Cartridge Log Print is designed to be printed on A4 size paper. Be sure to use A4 size paper. |
| You can also check the network settings and so on using the following software. |
Load A4 size paper in the multi-purpose tray or paper drawer.
Make sure that the printer is online (the Online indicator is on).
If the Online indicator is off, press [
] (Online).
Press [
] (Utility).
Select [Configuration Page], [Network Status Print], [Consmbl. Status Prt.] or [Cartridge Log Print] using [
] or [
], and then press [OK].
[Configuration Page]
Prints the list of currently available functions for the printer and setting values of the menus, and so on.
[Network Status Print]
Prints the TCP/IP settings including the IP address and information including security settings.
[Consmbl. Status Prt.]
The amounts of toner cartridges remaining, warning messages, where to purchase new toner cartridges, and similar information is printed out.
[Cartridge Log Print]
Prints information including times that toner cartridges were used.
Select [Yes] using [
], and then press [OK] to print Status Print.