[Settings for System Data Communic.]
Configure the DNS and proxy settings to use when performing specific system data communication over the sub line.
* Values in red text indicate the default setting for each item.
[Sub Line Settings]
[Settings for System Data Communic.]
[Primary DNS Server] [Secondary DNS Server] |
[Sub Line Settings]
[Settings for System Data Communic.]
Set whether to use a proxy server to connect the sub line to the network.
Configuring the Proxy of the Sub LineWhen you use a proxy server, set the proxy server information, applicable range, and authentication information.
[Use Proxy] [On], [Off] [Server Address] [Port Number] 1 to 80 to 65535 [Set Authentication] [Use Proxy Authentication] [On], [Off] [User Name] [Password] |
[Sub Line Settings]
[Settings for System Data Communic.]
Set whether to use the main line or sub line when communicating with the remote monitoring server or the distribution server.